
Basic Information


In their basest form, Changelings appear as indistinct pale white creatures with humanoid structures, slimy and seeping flesh that folds and moulds like putty. They have blue sclera and black irises, and are known to cry tears of dark blue liquids which stain their skin.   A Changeling can shape its form to appear similar to a host. They will often be applied to replace children, though they can shape themselves to mimic the appearance of an adult as well.    A Changeling can be exposed using fire, as a naked flame will cause the flesh of a Changeling to melt away into a milky blue liquid.

Genetics and Reproduction

Changelings are shaped by Fae (as well as the Demon Kalindora).

Ecology and Habitats

Changelings find greater enrichment from moonlight, much in the same way that Humans gain sustenance from sunlight.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The largest majority of Changelings exist in and around the Jungles of Lidiavale, where they are moulded and distributed as agents of the native Fae to infiltrate the courts of the region and surrounding regions.    Mamuna, a powerful Fae that exists within the swamps of Upper Mastoria, is known to swap children from within the Empire with their own Changelings. Mamuna is known to love her Changelings and is a very maternal figure for them.   Kalindora, a Demon of Vede, accepted a contract with the Fae Mamuna, who would teach her the ability to mould Changelings. Her Changelings would become the Nashravani, a group of agents and assassins loyal to Kalindora and Malonkar.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Changelings exist as part of a hive-mind, and are able to communicate with other Changelings within their brood, as well as their brood-parent (that being either the Fae who created them, or the Demon Kalindora). Their brood-parent is also capable of telepathically altering a Changelings mind, able to warp their memories and communicate with their subconscious to interfere with their motivations and ideology.
75 Years
Geographic Distribution