Upper Mastoria

A nation on the continent of Thallia, capital of the Mastorian Empire.


Upper Mastoria is a vast landmass in the far north of Vilia, it is a varied landmass featuring dense taiga and forests, brutal cold plains, high mountains and low and destitute marshland. It is in the far-north of Upper Mastoria where can be found one of the six Greater Magical Nexus Points.


Upper Mastoria's climate varies across the land given its extensive landmass, however they are renown for their ferociously perilous winters, extreme snows and dangerous seas.

Fauna & Flora

  • Dragons: Dragons were known to inhabit the continent of Thallia, and the Province of Upper Mastoria and have played a major role in the history of the region, over time however the population of the Dragons has been dwindled by war.
  • Dwarves: A number of powerful Dwarven city-states including the Dwarven city of Abrenik are within the borders of Upper Mastoria. Most have begun to interact with the surface world and many Dwarves have integrated into the mainstream population of the Province.
  • Giants: Giants live in nomadic tribes that inhabit much of the far-north of the province. They tend to domesticate and travel with mammoths. They have gradually come to integrate themselves into the Mastorian Empire and are a pivotal part of its infastructure.
  • Gnomes: The largest population of Gnomes emerged from the Province of Miellikia and integrated into the population of the Mastorian Empire. They are most prominent in the city of Yaszaw.
  • Humans: Humans comprise the largest percentage of the domestic population of Upper Mastoria and are the ruling species of the Province. 
  • Mammoths: Mammoths live wildly in the far-north of the Province and are often domesticated and trained by the Giants. They are utilised by the Mastorian Empire due to their great strength.


The First Era

  The region that would eventually form into Upper Mastoria is a resource rich region and the location of one of the world's six Greater Magical Nexus Points. As a result, the region was an essential part of the Pauri Empire. The Crystal Road was made to pass through the region, and it features the only point of the Crystal Road wherein the route diverges into two separate paths, with one travelling west toward the continent of Vandora, whilst another ventured north toward the Greater Magical Nexus Point.   The Elves inhabited the region with Giants, Dwarves and Humans, genetically modified to serve their purposes. Likewise they make an effort to domesticate and control the Mammoths that already migrated across the region.   At the end of the First Era, the Grand Army of the Thall would march on the continent of Thallia under the command of Dalli. They would follow along the Crystal Road but would be halted by a Great Winter that would trap them in the caves of Vos Bison. The Elves would employ the services of a Dragon named Smolt who inhabited a mountain in the region now known as Upper Mastoria (the mountain that is now home to the city of Smoltkrest).  

The Second Era

  Following the Long Winter, the Grand Army of the Thall would continue their march into the region under the command of the brothers Alvar and Garundas. They would fight across the region, during which time Alvar would famously murder his brother Garundas.    Alvar would be forced to regroup and marshall his forces in the valley that would become the Grand Valley of Alwaria. Here he would be killed in single combat by one of his lieutenants, a duel which would redefine the history of the region.   The land would subsequently be divided among multiple warring factions, each one determined that they are the natural successors to the Grand Army of the Thall. All the while, the various freed people gradually drive the Elves back east, forcing them back toward the continent of Pauros.   By the end of the Second Era, the region would have been divided between five warring factions, four Kingdoms, and the Drakol-Ur, a group of Dragon worshipping theocrats that wage war against the remaining four Kingdoms. This war is ended when the human sorcerer called Du Khaan unites the four kingdoms under his reign and leads a genocide against the Drakol-Ur.  

The Third Era

  Du Khaan establishes himself as sovereign over the Five Kingdoms and calls himself Imperator, and the Last Acolyte of Dalli. He founds the Khanian Empire and declares what he considers to be a righteous war to unite all of Vilia under his just domain. The continent of Thallia would collectively become the capital of his new Empire.   Du Khaan would wage wars across the globe, with resources being sent to various theatres of war. His expansion would go on for one-hundred-and-fifty years until finally he would disappear following an encounter with the Great Wraith.  

The Fourth Era

  Without Du Khaan's leadership, the continent of Thallia would once again decline into factionalism. Various new powers would rise and fall, until a lesser known family of Khanian administrators known as the Mastoracza of the Third Circle would rise to power and would begin their expansion across Thallia. At this time, the region became known as Mastoria. At the apex of their expansion, Imperator Diana Mastoracza I would found the Mastorian Empire, making it's capital in the city of Istanbrakt.   The continent would soon be divided between two great powers, as in the province of Eluatu, a military force known as the Galen Mhar would rise to power, vying to unite the Grand Army of the Thall yet again to march against the Elves. The Galen Mhar would expand to cover much of the east of Upper Mastoria, whilst the Mastorian Empire would control the West.   Eventually the Galen Mhar would march the bulk of their forces against the Elves, past the Warden of the East, and they would never be seen again. With most of their armies gone, the Mastorian Empire press into their land and expand to control land up to the Warden of the East.   The Mastorian Empire would then expand south into Zmumadia, renaming it to Lower Mastoria, whilst Mastoria would become Upper Mastoria.   At the end of the Fourth Era, a plague of the undead would ravish most of Thallia, with millions dying in the expanding onslaught of the dead. The Mastorian Empire would survive by retreating into its cities and managing under siege, however it would not be long before starvation would run rampant, and those cities that would survive unscathed would be forced to maintain brutal martial law.  

The Fifth Era

  It would take Upper Mastoria many years to recover from the Plague of the Dead, however the Mastorian Empire would return to some of its former strength, albeit suffering under the weight of multiple rebellions.   In the Fifth Era, the Mastorian Empire would begin to master the use of Golems as an artificial workforce, thrusting them into the midst of a new industrial revolution.


  • Upper Mastoria