Erlking (ɜ:lkɪŋg)

Basic Information


Erlkin are tall and slender humanoids with rough, leathery yellow skin and bright black eyes that are sunken deep in their orbits. They have long and angular skulls, with small and highly placed flat noses, and ears that are pointed and serrated in the backside. They typically grow either red or black hair. Their teeth are pointed.

Growth Rate & Stages

The Erlking live anywhere between 72‒120 years, they reach adult maturity at the age of twenty.

Ecology and Habitats

The Erlking inhabit the Jungles of Lidiavale, living in small nomadic tribes that patrol the intricate wilderness. They are known to use their psionic powers to lure unsuspecting travellers from the roads and bait them into traps which can mean their death.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The Erlking are carnivores, natural hunters, and killers with no regard for the species that they feast upon. They have a particular partiality to humanoid flesh however, and are known to lure human travellers into their traps in order to feast upon them. The Erlking typically eat raw food. They are also known to require a lot of food and calories in order to survive and thus tend to enjoy seven meals a day.

Biological Cycle

The Erlking tend to recede into caverns and caves during the winter.


The Erlking live in small nomadic tribes and tend to survive by means of deception and elaborate traps. Rather than face their enemies and prey directly, they manipulate them using their psionic powers and lure them into their carefully constructed traps. They tend to be distrustful of outsiders among their tribe, and are even disdainful toward other Erlking who are members of different tribes.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Erlking tribes are lead by a Chief, respected among the tribe for their combat ability, strategic mind, and psionic abilities. Each Chief selected six warriors to serve as their Spear-Kin, individuals who follow their word and respect their authority. Any member of the tribe is free to challenge their Chief's rule at any moment, and if they prove themselves strong enough or cunning enough to kill the Chief and take their ornamental amulet of rule, then they become Chief of the tribe.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The Erlking have developed basic psionic abilities as a result of their prolonged occupation of the Lidiavale jungles and their close proximity to a Greater Magical Nexus. The Erlking have the ability to communicate inside the minds of others and have low-level telekinetic abilities.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Male   Gylas, Jikos, Jyloc, Kesilon, Lisoth, Okas, Orkanth, Ralith, Trinas, Qen, Xos, Vren, Vripath, Vrasaldath   Female   Aastru, Firrurza, Itre, Jirre, Jistre, Paitre, Passu, Sersta, Pestru, Satreg, Vastru, Virru, Zira, Ziler, Qegrel, Yigreth    Both

Beauty Ideals

The Erlking decorate themselves with trophies from their victorious raids. This can include jewelry or items of clothing made from the flesh and hides of their prey.

Relationship Ideals

The Erlking culture is isolated, xenophobic and relies heavily on concepts of individuality. As a result, long-term relationships are uncommon among the tribes, instead the members of the Erlking tribe match and mate with various members of the tribe best on those they find most compatible for reproduction. The relationships between these Erlking rarely extend beyond sexual intercourse, unless it is between two individuals who fight and train together.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

They speak Erlking, and some who live closer to the larger settled areas of Lidiavale are able to communicate in Common.


The Erkling were Elves that were driven into hiding by the Grand Army of the Thall during the Great War. Over the course of generations, their capacity for survival diminished and the manipulation of the Greater Magical Nexus caused them to devolve into a more primitive tribal culture, losing their expanded lifespan and impressive technological achievements in place of psionic power. It is suspected by some that these Elves were cursed by the Fae who warped their flesh and corrupted their minds.

Historical Figures

Ajax Wursor: An Erlking who was raised by Half-Giants. Ajax accompanied his adopted brother Lokanth Wursor on his travels around Vilia. He was eventually detained at The Radana Storme Institute where he was gruesomely experimented on and would eventually die.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
72‒120 years
Conservation Status
Conservation Dependent
Average Height
Average Weight
100-130 kg