Ajax Wursor (eɪʤæks vɜ:sɜ:)

Ajax Wursor

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Mental characteristics

Personal history

13th Alwarjeń 248 5E   Ajax is born, a member of a roving tribe of Erlking. For reasons unknown to him, Ajax was abandoned and left to die in the wilderness by his tribe. He was found by a family of Half-Giants and taken back to their tribe.   Ajax grew up as the adopted brother of multiple brothers and sisters, among these he found himself closest to his brother Lokanth Wursor.   When he and his brother came of age, Lokanth decided he wanted to leave the jungles of Lidiavale in order to explore the world. Lokanth always had a fascination for flora and fauna and wanted to see the many secrets the rest of the world had to offer. Ajax decided that if Lokanth Wursor intended to leave their tribe, so too should he, acting as his brother's protector.   15th Judarjeń 269 5E   The two brothers travelled north and east, seeing many lands and many places, until finally, they found themselves passing through the city of Arkeluw. Whilst in the city, travellers talked about the activities going on at The Radana Storme Institute. Ajax complained vocally about the idea of keeping people in such a place, of robbing people of their freedom against their will. This debate turns into an argument, which in turn becomes a fight. Before the end, Ajax Wursor is arrested by the Konstat, and in a cruel act of irony, is taken to receive treatment at The Radana Storme Institute.   3rd Skrabarjeń 269 5E   Doctor Walmdas becomes interested in Ajax Wursor and begins to consider him as a potential candidate to become "Subject One" of his experiments. He finds however that Ajax Wursor is too volatile and violent to fit the criteria of what he needs from a test subject, and so he suggests instead that Doctor Wiliam Wosow recruit him for his own research into weaponised Lycanthropy instead.   15th Skrabarjeń 269 5E   Following an aggressive encounter with the prison guards, Ajax is taken to the prison medical facility by a group of guards commanded by Captain Myron and is exposed to a series of gruesome experiments. He is tied to a gurney and frequently injected with various chemicals and exposed to magical manipulation by Doctor Wiliam Wosow.   20th Skrabarjeń 269 5E   Following the funeral of Doctor Jelena, Ajax Wursor is removed from the infirmary and taken back to his cell. The next day he is ravenous and angry, he goes to the mess hall and eats Hunter's Pot, but is manipulated by magic to suspect other inmates of desiring his food. Russell Tideborn warps his mind and compels him to attack other inmates, first striking out at Dolores Simm, and then against the victim later nicknamed "the Victim" due to Ajax Wursor's attack.   Ajax was eventually restrained by multiple guards and calmed down by his brother. The guards intended to take him into solitary confinement, however, Doctor Wiliam Wosow arrived at that moment and insisted he is returned to his cell without consequences. He did so and was taken to his cell only to discover that the inmate Reko had been murdered.   As he is returned to his cell, he paces nervously around the block muttering to himself and throwing around furniture. He is eventually distracted and aggravated by Russell Tideborn, who goads him into attacking. Ajax reveals a Lycanthropic form and is only stopped from killing Russell when he is restrained and pulled back by his brother Lokanth, who infiltrated his cell using magic.   Guards rush into the cell block and beat him and his brother into unconsciousness. Both are taken to the Medical Building and Ajax wakes up in the room wherein he was made victim to various experiments. He tries and fails to escape, but he is spared any gruesome experiments. Doctor Wiliam Wosow instead insists that it was the individual in his cell who made Ajax feel unsafe and encourages him to help himself by working with him. He promises that if he proves amicable, Ajax will be freed in time.   21st Skrabarjeń 269 5E   Rather than receiving the usual Hunter's Pot he would receive in the Mess Hall, on this morning, Ajax Wursor is offered quality cut steak on a silver platter. In the evening, he appears in the Storage Room of the Penitentiary in his Lycan form, ready to attack Captain Myron.   Ajax attacks Captain Myron as he attends a meeting he believes to be with Doctor Walmdas Kluw. The fight is brutal, with both doing severe damage to the other before Ajax Wursor lashes out against his enemy and tears him in two with his bare and savage claws.   Ajax is found in the storage room covered in blood and gasping for air. Doctor Wiliam Wosow praises his action and tells him that Captain Myron was a man who had been corrupted by years of conflict with the patients and had been driven into bitterness and paranoia. He promises Ajax Wursor that he will have the chance to earn his freedom and he takes him to the Storme Manor where he is provided with medical treatment and a comfortable guest room.   22nd Skrabarjeń 269 5E   Ajax woke up the next day and was offered the chance to bathe and dress in comfortable linen clothing. He was given access to servants who provided him with whatever he might need. The only limitation they gave him was that they refused to give him weapons or armour until he attended dinner with Warden Petro Storme and Doctor Walmdas.   He eventually did attend the meal where he found Warden Petro Storme in animated conversation with his daughter Nadia Storme. He asked where the rest of the family were and she claimed that they could not attend tonight. He appeared to be very dazed and confused and incapable of truly understanding his surroundings. Doctor Walmdas and Doctor Wiliam attended as well.   Doctor Walmdas Kluw admires Ajax Wursor's morality and his value of freedom. Ajax suggests that if this were true he should free the prisoners at The Radana Storme Institute. The Doctor explains that the Warden stands as the last of the Respectable House of Storme and that his death will mark the end of his house and the fall of the Institute, and one way or another all those interred within will be free. He promises further that not only will Ajax Wursor be given a chance at freedom, but also a true sense of purpose and a chance to work towards someone greater than himself.   He tells him that the murderer active in the Institute is not one individual but three and that one of them was captured tonight. He asks if Ajax would help them to find and kill the remaining two. He claims that the name of the first was Russell Tideborn, the very same individual who attacked Ajax in his cell and conspired to murder him there. Ajax agrees to help kill him and Doctor Walmdas promises him a new set of armour and weapons.   23rd Skrabarjeń 269 5E   Doctor Wiliam Wosow equips Ajax Wursor with enchanted armour and sends him on a mission to hunt down and kill Russell Tideborn. Ajax leaves the Storme Mansion and finds himself in the courtyard. To his surprise, Russell awaits him, leaning against the Penitentiary wall. Across the courtyard, Lokanth emerges from the Medical Building, spotting his brother. Lokanth calls out to his brother, but it's too late. Ajax charges at Russell in a rage, and Russell retaliates with magic. Before Ajax can reach him, Russell retreats up the Penitentiary walls, prompting Ajax to leap after him.   Lokanth charges across the courtyard in the form of an ox. Reaching the Penitentiary, he reverts to his Half-Giant form just in time to cast a hold-person spell on his brother. However, Ajax breaks free, and Sir Bellinor and his guardsmen witness the ensuing battle. Lokanth explains to Sister Prudence that he is trying to restrain and contain his brother before he can hurt someone, and reveals to her that Doctor Ada is the true killer. Meanwhile, realising his imminent danger, Ajax retreats from Russell, who strikes at him from a distance and descends the Penitentiary walls.   Ajax reaches ground level but is quickly overwhelmed by guards and ranged spells. He eventually falls unconscious, teetering on the brink of death. Lokanth rushes to his defence, standing over his body.   Displaying courage, Lokanth fights off the attacking guards and Sir Bellinor before succumbing to their onslaught. With both brothers unconscious on the ground, Russell enters the mind of Sir Bellinor, masquerading as the voice of his deity, Solenoir. Manipulating Sir Bellinor's beliefs, Russell persuades him to serve Solenoir's interests. As a result, Sir Bellinor kills Ajax but spares Lokanth, seeing him as free from his brother's corruption.   When Lokanth Wursor returns to consciousness, he wraps his brother's body in vines and gives him an impromptu burial before venturing out in search of Sir Bellinor to exact his vengeance.
Current Status
Patient at the Radana Storme Institute
Current Location
Date of Birth
13th Alwarjeń 248 5E
Dark Brown