Sir Bellinor

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Sir Bellinor is a Paladin who was devoted to the Sun God Solenoir. He travelled as a young man to The Radana Storme Institute where he acted as a missionary and chaplain to provide religious comfort to the patients.   Over time however, he saw the brutality and cruelty of the institution and was driven mad. He was driven to believe that the cause of these patients mental illness was the corruption of evil, and the only way to rid them of it was to cleanse their hearts.   As a result of this he abducted multiple patients and carved out their hearts, cleansing them with holy water. Sister Michaels caught him in the act and summoned the guards. Before long, Sir Bellinor was incarcerated in the very asylum he previously worked for.   20th Skrabarjeń 269 5E   Sir Bellinor is surprised when Sister Prudence , his former colleague, is placed in a cell across from him. The two speak and Sir Bellinor expresses his belief that before the night is done, The Radana Storme Institute will see violence. He also promised that it would not be long before others would see the world as he did. Sister Prudence was unsettled by the man and tried her best to ignore him.   Sir Bellinor was later proven right as shortly after this conversation, the guards stormed the cell blocks and rounded up the tribal patients for summary execution. Doctor Ada Arztin and Sister Prudence talked them out of this, but not before the death of five more patients.   23rd Skrabarjeń 269 5E   Over the next few days, more of the guards start to be swayed by Sir Bellinor's worldview and start to grow increasingly paranoid about the danger posed by the patients. Following a string of deaths, the guards begin to take on an attitude that it would be either they that killed the patients, or the patients that killed them.   When Sister Prudence was incarcerated for the murders, it appeared that they might face a reprieve, however when the murders continued past her capture, the guards were driven to drastic action and were set free from their cell.   Sir Bellinor returned to his personal quest, with a phalanx of guards at his side, killing the patients one by one and carving out their hearts.   Sister Prudence found him here, and convinced him that the true evil and suffering brought into The Radana Storme Institute was brought about by Doctor Walmdas Kluw who has corrupted the Institute for his own sinister purpose. Sir Bellinor and his followers agree to follow Sister Prudence , and she leads them out onto the grounds.   Sir Bellinor witnesses an altercation between Russell Tideborn and the Lycanthropic Ajax Wursor . Believing him to be a creature borne of dark magic, Sir Bellinor commands his men to attack. Ajax is knocked unconscious, but his brother Lokanth Wursor rushes to his defence and stands strong over his brother's body. In spite of this, neither one can repel the onslaught of guards and both are beaten down.   Sir Bellinor cuts out Ajax Wursor 's heart and continues with his command, marching on Storme Manor in search of Doctor Walmdas Kluw. He cuts his way through the house, killing multiple patients, the servant Sylwester, and eventually confronting Doctor Walmdas Kluw. Sir Bellinor and his guards are no match for the Vampire, the guards are all killed and Sir Bellinor is left mortally wounded.   24th Skrabarjeń 269 5E   In the early hours of the next day's morning, Lokanth Wursor enters Storme Manor in search of vengeance against Sir Bellinor. He finds him there, bleeding out on the ground and whilst morphed into the form of a bear, The Groundskeeper avenges himself by carving out the Paladin's heart with his claws.
Current Status
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations