
Suran-Roa is a passenger aboard the Mamnomaga, believed to have a connection to the power of Ronasura.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Mental characteristics

Personal history

1st SpriarjeÅ„ 269 5E   Suran-Roa is a passenger aboard the Mamnomaga and is present to spectate a fight in the fighting pits between the champion Pawel and a group of adventurers named Tedduch Stoutman, Zi, and the Wretch. The group of three adventurers are victorious, but as they celebrate their victory, the Mamnomaga crashes and grinds to a halt and the force throws Suran-Roa into the ring. He remains uninjured and assists in helping other passengers who were injured by the crash.   2nd SpriarjeÅ„ 269 5E   Suran-Roa attends breakfast in the Second Class Common Room where he witnesses Orville Wepple collapse. He expresses concern and offers help, but is viewed with distrust by the Wretch who shows a special disdain for the wealthy. He later appears again at the door of Orville's compartment, however the group are dismissive of him.   Later, a spectral image of an individual who calls themself the Thirteenth Paragon appears through the Mamnomaga's communication crystals. They insist that the power of Ronasura be given to them within the hour or they will expose the passengers to his wrath. The Wretch and Thalmun Burrowale both quickly put two and two together to realise that Suran-Roa and Ronasura are likely connected.