Campaign 2: Session 5 - The Thirteenth Paragon

Rewards Granted

Thalmun Burrowale 
  • General Session: 100XP
  • MVP: 100XP
  • Study: 40XP
  • Activities: 60XP
  • Total: 300XP
Orville Wepple 
  • General Session: 100XP
  • Activities: 40XP
  • Total: 140XP
Tedduch Stoutman 
  • General Session: 100XP
  • Activities: 40XP
  • Total: 140XP
  • General Session: 100XP
  • Activities: 20XP
  • Total: 120XP
The Wretch 
  • General Session: 100XP
  • Activities: 20XP
  • Total: 120XP
Anpu Winkybits 
  • General Session: 100XP
  • Activities: 20XP
  • Total: 120XP

Missions/Quests Completed

1st Spriarjeń 269 5E   Thalmun Burrowale sits in his room and consults with the Book of the Giant. The two talk and they discuss the concept of teleportation and how it could be implemented. Thalmun is excited by the science and they spend hours discussing it until the Mamnomaga grinds to a halt and Thalmun is thrown from his bed.   Thalmun rushes out to investigate and makes his way along the train and toward the train's Crystal Chamber. The guards of the Mamnomaga try to stop him, and do so as he reaches the Crystal Chamber. He insists that he would be able to fix the problem, and the Giant protecting the chamber suggests they should give him a chance, but the guards insist instead that he return to his room.   Thalmun Burrowale makes his way to the room of Orville Wepple and tries to recruit him to help infiltrate the Crystal Chamber to learn more about what has happened. Orville is reluctant at first, not wanting to interfere with his career as a "bar boss", however he is eventually convinced to help him. Audrey Wepple wakes up however and insists that they wait until the next day to try and recruit some of Orville's other friends.   Meanwhile, Awenir helps to mend The Wretch's dislocated ankle and provides him, Audrey Wepple and Zi with healing potions before helping them back to their rooms.   2nd Spriarjeń 269 5E   That night, all of the passengers aboard the Mamnomaga feel a strange distortion as the world is altered around them. They and the Mamnomaga seems to expand and contract over the course of the night and the colours of the room eb and sway. The Wretch has an uncomfortable night, asleep in his shell with his legs hanging out as his dislocated ankle gradually mends under Awenir's treatment.    Thalmun Burrowale finds himself dreaming of a city bustling with life with a white-stone palace. As he walks towards it, he finds himself in an ornate throne room looking at a wooden throne with a crown on it. As he walks towards it, the room bursts into flames and the crown begins to melt. As it melts, the dripping gold takes up the form of five more crowns, which in turn melt beneath a sixth crown wreathed in flame. Thalmun once again wakes up screaming and startles Balder awake.   Thalmun Burrowale and Zi make their way to the dormitory of Orville Wepple and Audrey Wepple, the former keen to plot their infiltration of the Crystal Chamber, the latter hoping to check that Audrey was okay. Noone is there to answer the door, and they make their way to find them in the common room, around the same time that The Wretch gets up to join them.   They join the group and discover that Anpu Winkybits and Sarlaren had proposed a similar investigation. They congregate and get to know each other, and in this time Orville Wepple moves to join them, however he collapses.   Audrey Wepple panics and Awenir picks him up to take him back to his room. The Wretch notices a portly Rakshasa that had also been present at the fighting pit and suspects that he might have been involved. They look at the Algae Wine that he had been drinking and do not see anything unusual about it. The Rakshasa asks if he is okay but The Wretch does not give him any details.   Orville finds himself trapped in the mind of another, unable to move or interact with his body. The individual is confused at the voice in his head and tries to talk to him, a fact which only makes his follower uncomfortable. Eventually Orville asks the individual for his name and the voice calls itself Russell. Before he can do anything else, he collapses, and Orville Wepple wakes up in his bed, surrounded by his concerned travelling companions.   The group are stunned as Orville begins to speak with perfect polysyllabic words, and shows great intelligence and understanding of the world. He enjoys his words and is eloquent in his dialogue. He reveals that he once studied engineering and is in fact very intelligent, though people think less of him due to his inability to speak. This curing moment is brief however and he quickly returns to his monosyllabic language. In this time, Orville also hears the voice of Russell in his mind, and the two interact with Russell encouraging Orville not to trust his friends.   The group begin to devise a scheme to infiltrate the Crystal Chamber, but are interrupted with the sociable Suran-Roa whom they suspiciously dismiss. They plot to recruit Pawel and stage a fight to distract the guards whilst Thalmun Burrowale, Orville Wepple and Tedduch Stoutman infiltrate the Crystal Chamber.   The Wretch, Zi, and Audrey Wepple make their way to recruit Pawel. He is very keen to help them when they suggest a fight, though he is reluctant to fight Audrey Wepple as they suggest, even though Audrey Wepple insists that she is more than a match for him.   Before they can enact their plan, Tedduch Stoutman and Thalmun Burrowale decide to take matters into their own hands. Tedduch creates a distraction by offering alcohol to the Giant, and while he strikes up conversation with the guards, Thalmun Burrowale sneaks underneath the train carriages and he climbs up and picks the lock to the Crystal Chamber.   Once inside, Thalmun discovers that the Crystal Obelisk has been tampered with, and is in the process of resetting. He also chips off a chunk of the Crystal for himself.   In this time, across the Mamnomaga, the communication crystals come alive to reveal the face of an individual who calls themselves the "Thirteenth Paragon". They claim that they stopped the Mamnomaga, and demand that they hand over the power of Ronasura, warning that they will face the wrath of The Thirteenth Paragon should they refuse.