Tree Gnome

Basic Information


  Gnomes are small humanoids who stand at a similar height to a child, but with elongated muscular arms and long fingers that support them to climb trees and rocks. They have strong legs covered in fur with long feet that can curl around tree branches and jagged rocks. The Gnomes have sharp animalistic eyes with wide pupils. They tend to have wide bulbous noses. The males have a thin layer of fur across their body that grows especially around their jaws and neck.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Gnomes live on a predominantly vegetarian diet, however are known to consume small animals as well. Gnomes are known to cook pastries and sweet foods, as well as maintaining a diet predominantly comprised of fruits and berries.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

The Onna Tribe: One of the five tribes of Miellikia, they live in harmony with a community of Garuda and maintain a codependent civilisation that worships a great Titan and reveres Giants.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
100 Years
Average Height
Geographic Distribution