
Basic Information


The Wyvern is a formidable, dragon-like creature, slightly larger than a horse, characterised by their bat-like wings, and a long, winding tail. Distinguished from true dragons by its lack of scales, the Wyvern instead boasts a thin layer of fur that provides both insulation and camouflage.   Head:
  • Skull: Robust and elongated with pronounced cranial ridges.
  • Eyes: Large, providing excellent vision, especially in low light conditions.
  • Mouth: Equipped with a set of sharp, conical teeth suited for gripping and tearing flesh.
  • Nasal Passages: Large nostrils for enhanced olfactory capabilities.
  • Ears: Pointed and capable of detecting a wide range of frequencies.
  Neck and Chest:  
  • Neck: Muscular and flexible, supporting the heavy head and allowing for a wide range of motion.
  • Chest: Broad and deep, housing powerful respiratory muscles and a large heart, necessary for sustained flight.
  • Structure: Bat-like with elongated finger bones supporting a membrane of tough, leathery skin.
  • Span: Wingspan of about 6 to 8 meters (20 to 26 feet), allowing for powerful and controlled flight.
  • Musculature: Well-developed pectoral muscles attached to a keeled sternum, providing the necessary power for wing beats.
  • Forelimbs: Long and spindly, ending in sharp claws used for grasping and climbing.
  • Hindlimbs: Equally long and slender, but more robust, providing stability and support during movement and when at rest.
  • Digits: Four digits on each limb, with the claws being retractable for protection and dexterity.
  • Length: About 2 to 2.5 meters (6.5 to 8 feet), tapering to a sharp point.
  • Function: Used for balance during flight and as a weapon in combat, equipped with a sharp, spade-like tip.
Skin and Fur:
  • Skin: Tough and resilient, protecting underlying tissues from injury.
  • Fur: A thin layer of fur covers the entire body, providing insulation and aiding in temperature regulation. The coloration typically blends with the Wyvern’s environment, offering camouflage.
Internal Anatomy:
  • Respiratory System: Efficient and adapted for high oxygen intake, supporting the high metabolic demands of flight.
  • Circulatory System: A powerful heart and extensive network of blood vessels ensure rapid delivery of oxygen and nutrients.
  • Digestive System: Adapted for a carnivorous diet, with a short, efficient digestive tract for processing meat.

Genetics and Reproduction

Wyvern are oviparous, laying eggs with leathery shells in secluded nests.   They are a solitary species outside of mating season, with females laying clutches of 2-4 eggs which hatch after a gestation period of several months.

Growth Rate & Stages

Juvenile Stage:
  • Duration: 0 to 5 years
  • Characteristics: Rapid growth, high energy demands, learning hunting and survival skills.
Adolescent Stage:
  • Duration: 5 to 15 years
  • Characteristics: Continued growth, development of full strength and flight capabilities, reaching sexual maturity towards the end of this stage.
Adult Stage:
  • Duration: 15 to 60 years
  • Characteristics: Peak physical condition, active in hunting and reproduction. This is the prime phase of the Wyvern’s life where they are most dominant.
Senior Stage:
  • Duration: 60 to 80 years
  • Characteristics: Gradual decline in physical abilities, less active, but still capable of survival due to experience and territorial knowledge.

Ecology and Habitats

Wyvern prefer mountainous or forested regions where it can utilise its flight capabilities for hunting and evasion.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Wyvern are carnivorous, preying on large mammals and occasionally large birds.

Additional Information


Domesticated Wyvern are trained from the point of being juveniles, their masters will kill their parents so that the Wyvern will become dependent upon them, and as they get older they will train them to serve their will.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

  Wyvern are utilised by societies across Vilia for a wide variety of purposes.   They are often domesticated and trained to linger in controlled habitats where they can be collected by their masters at their time of need.   Some Wyvern are trained and purposed as mounts for Wyvern Riders. They allow their riders to traverse vast distances in short amounts of time. Some will even train Wyvern to pick them up and fly them high into the sky before dropping them so that they might compete in the sport of Wyvern Diving.   Other Wyvern are trained as hunters and trackers, trained to circle over the heads of their prey, either to swoop down upon them or to draw attention to their location so that their masters might find their mark.   Wyvern hides are also commonly used in the craft of clothing and armour, known for its natural strength and its insulation.   Wyvern meat is also commonly harvested, known for taking a particularly long time to rot it is considered quite a tough and stringy meat, but one rich in protein.
70-80 Years
Conservation Status
Least Concern
Average Height
Stands about 2.5 meters (8 feet) at the shoulder when on all fours.
Average Weight
Estimated around 900 to 1,200 kg.
Geographic Distribution