
You find yourself walking along a rarely walked path deep in the woods. A line of mysteriously robed figures walk in the distance. Bows on their backs and elegant thin golden jewelry adorning long hair and pointed ears. The Elves pay you no notice as they migrate through the forest on a pilgrimage between the hidden Elven kingdoms. The air seems to fill with a slight haze as you notice some swinging incense pendulums held by some of the figures. Long ears, four to five times the lifespan of humans, and a more mysterious culture. Elves once spanned the continents and had little fear of rivalry except among themselves and even then it was scarce due to their peaceful nature. Over time, they dwindled and retreated as more and more of their neighboring Wyleans became larger and larger cultures. Careful structure and selection for livelihoods, meticulous bloodline tracking, and high natural attunement to the nature of the surface worlds and forests, Elves have adapted to living in and among the trees and mountainsides among elegant ancient structures creating beautiful cities. Often in places of natural magical influence of the Wylstream, some Elves have a strong sense of the presence of magic. It is said that a weapon, such as a bow carved of skilled Elven hands will never break or grow weak under the strain of its uses. Despite their human-like frames, Elves are incredibly agile and light. Where they may seem to lack physical strength, they make up for in their acrobatics and climbing skills. A few Elves have abilities extending to even foresight. While they do not have heightened senses, they are capable of perceiving incredible distances, however they do not actually see or hear these things at such distances, they are given a kind of vague imagery they can use to describe what they can perceive. There are almost no Tribal forms of Elf. There are a few Nomads here and there, but not many as they hold their heritage in high regard.  

Pure Elves

Tall at an average of 6'8" and slender with pale, seemingly deformed skin, white hair and grey, silver, or golden eyes, and are only estimated to live a thousand years, but their actual life spans are unknown. Pure Elves are relatively secretive and speak very little if at all. Elves Their focus is entirely on dwelling within nature in the deepest and most difficult locations to reach. So scarce and illusive, only Nomads and traditional tribals are said to see them enough to learn to commune with them naturally. The true living age of an Elf is unknown.      

Half Elves

Only humans were ever able to make children with Pure elves, creating the Half Elves. They stand at an average of 6'3" and have either white, blond, or redish hair, and live to about 600 or some odd years depending on their lineage. Their eyes can vary most common or Elvish colors. In a societal sense, they are regarded as arrogant and incredibly conceited, especially by Dwarves! Half Elves are said to live up to 6 hundred years, but their maturity seems to be relative to their aging scale.      


Half-Elves are blessed with many traits due to their ancestral bonds. Elf souls are eternal on their own, but in the body of a mortal it has to manifest in particular and peculiar traits. Because these traits sometimes go beyond what simply exists in the physical body, some must be learned through traditional teachings and can not simply be picked up.
  1. Animal connnection: Even the most ferocious of animals such as lions, tigers, and bears can find a peaceful mind amidst the company of an elf. This does not guarantee the animal will remain calm, but it does make being in the forest very easy for a Half-Elf.
  2. Whispers of trees (Reuires full traditional training): Half-Elves can hear slight messages from the forest at times, allowing them to be made aware of things further away in a very vague manner.
  3. Sight and Sound (Requires some traditional training): Half-Elves can sacrifice their immediate awareness for distant sight and sound. By focussing on a specific direction, they can see and sometimes hear for miles through th traces of the scenery.
  4. Feather weight: Elves are incredibly light and have the ability to craft things as such, making them highly agile and limber.


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