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Founder's Ring

Founder's Ring is one of the three major city states on the western coast of The Commonland and is one of the largest cities in the known world. It is often referred to as the cornerstone of democracy after the Violet Revolution ended in the removal of the Ryder Monarchy and the installation of an elected head of state, one of the largest territories to do so.  


Ancient History

  The area that would later be called Founder's Ring is estimated to have been first settled more than 3000 years before its walls were constructed. It's closeness to the Western Sea made the land highly fertile and easily accessible for trade.   In the classical period, Founder's Ring was a centre for the arts, learning, magic, philosophy, home of The Sorcerer's Sanctum and Sandi's Bardic College.        

The Old Regime

  Roughly 2500 years after its founding, Founder's Ring was ruled by a chain of absolute monarchs that claimed the right to rule as a result of divine selection with some going as far to declare themselves as demi-gods. This system was later dubbed by the Violet Estate as the 'Old Regime'. During the Old Regime, the position of king or queen could only be achieved through a royal lineage. A system of taxation was established mainly to pay for the construction of buildings, roads and a military for the city. Those who could not or refused to pay their taxes, were persecuted by the monarch's clerics.   Throughout its history, the Ancient Regime was in an almost constant state of warfare with the city of Neverwinter over issues of territory, religion, trade, foreign relations and other reasons. The intensity of the conflict varied drastically, but is estimated that throughout the regime's three hundred year history, the two cities were only at a state of total peace for roughly thirty five years. This 'forever war' proved to be a heavy strain on the citizens of Founder's Ring and the issue of excessive taxation being used to finance the conflict was a near constant source of contention.    

The Commonland Project

Some two hundred and fifty years into the rule of the Old Regime, Queen Lois Bertrand was approached by scholar and campaigner Nora Povell about the possibility of joining a collection of cities and towns to create a political, economic and social union that would be known as The Commonland. While hesitant at first, Lois' advisors entually convinced her that an alliance with other city states may be useful to counter the increasing orc threat growing in Malum Ayr to the south. Like many other leaders, Lois objected strongly to the proposal put forward by Nora that all member states be ruled by an elected leader. Nevertheless, Lois pursued with the project and attended the first meeting of the Commonland. At the meeting, Lois was killed along with many other delegates by a clan of orcs who raided the event. After, the attack Founder's Ring left the organisation and accused the King of Neverwinter of orchestrating the attack due to him surviving the event.  

Violet Revolution

The Violet Revolution was a period of radical political change that lasted roughly ten years. Under the rule of King Betrand Ryder, economic inequality in the city reached an all time high. It was during this time that the Violet Estate, an assembly of politicians, activists and lawmakers formed to challenge the rule of the monarchy and its claim of a divine right to rule. The estate preached the values of universal suffrage and democracy as well as the abolition of indentured servitude and massive constraints on the power of the city's clerics.   After many street battles between the Crown's Guard and member's of the public, the Inner Ring was eventually stormed and King Bertrand was brought before the People's Court and sentenced to death. The Founder's Ring Government was found soon after with Robert Jota elected as its first Mayor.  

The Era of Paranoia

During the Era of Paranoia, many members of the Violet Estate were accused of counter-revolutionary behaviour, including Jota who was executed less than a year after being elected mayor.  

Civil Disobedience

Less than twenty years after the Violet Revolution, several political groups formed to oppose the Founder's Ring government. The biggest of these groups, the Gold Brands, accused the new government of being a faux democracy and instead an oligarchy of wealthy elites.  

Armatopian Occupation

During the Armatopian Occupation of the continent, Mayor Lucius Able-Hart was able to negotiate a peaceful transition of Founder's Ring to Armatopian rule. Able-Hart was allowed to remain Mayor of the City and his government oversaw most domestic issues, while an Armatopian Governor was installed to take control of the City's Guard and foreign relations. Many citizens of the city were forced to leave their homes during this period and resettle in shanty towns as major parts of the outer rings were demolished in order to make way for new Armatopian construction projects.


Founder's Ring is a democracy. It's head of government is an elected Mayor, currently Lucius Able-Hart.


Founder's Ring was built upon Lithtow Hill. The city is divided into numerous rings seperated by large walls with the government sector being in the centre. It's large walls make invasion of the city extremely difficult.

Notable Locations

  • Central Market
  • Founder's Ring Archives - A large collection of texts, relics, artwork and other objects acquired over hundreds of years. Its contents include matters of science, magic, religion and much more.
  • Handyman Pub - The tavern in which Augustus Olba, Vespa Aran, Illeana Aduna and G first met.
  • Roger Thorne's Detective Agency
  • Violet Estate - Estate where much of the Violet Revolution was organised
  • Wandering Wolf - Inn and front for the Gold Brands

Notable Occupants

Gates of Founder's Ring  

Founder's Ring

  Founded - ~3,000 years ago   Size - Metropolis   Governing System - Mayoral Democracy   Population - ~65,000   Demographic - 75% Human, 10% Half Elf, 10% Dwarf, 3% Halfling, 2% Other

Throne Room during the Old Regime

Revolutionaries storm a church during the revolution

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