Humans Species in The Continent Aver | World Anvil


Masters of Aver: The Enduring Legacy of Humanity

      The Humans of Aver are a diverse and adaptable race known for their ambition, ingenuity, and resilience. They form the backbone of civilizations, forging mighty empires, and exploring the farthest reaches of the world. As the most versatile of all the races, Humans have spread to every corner of Aver, where they interact with various cultures, learn from them, and often become leaders or influential figures in their new homes.     Spirit of Adventure:   Curiosity and a strong sense of adventure drive many Humans to explore the uncharted territories of Aver. They are often found at the forefront of exploration, leading expeditions into unexplored lands, seeking knowledge, wealth, or new alliances. This inherent curiosity and courage make them quick learners, capable of adapting to different cultures and magic systems with relative ease.   Relations with Other Races:   As the most widespread and influential race, Humans have formed complex relationships with other races inhabiting Aver. Their diplomatic skills and tendency to assimilate aspects of foreign cultures often help forge alliances, while sometimes, it leads to tensions and misunderstandings. Humans' interactions with other races have shaped the world's history, resulting in both cooperative and adversarial dynamics.   Adaptability and Ambition:   Human adaptability is legendary. They can thrive in various environments, from bustling cities to untamed wilderness. Their ambition and desire for progress often drive them to create new technologies, master powerful magical arts, and seek knowledge that can shape the fate of their world. It is this ambition that has led Humans to be both creators and destroyers, builders of civilizations and catalysts for change.   Notable Figures:   Throughout the history of Aver, numerous Humans have risen to prominence, leaving their mark on the world. From legendary heroes and wise sages to cunning political leaders and ambitious conquerors, Humans have played pivotal roles in shaping the course of events.   Joining Adventuring Parties:   Due to their diverse skill sets and adaptability, Humans are natural adventurers, and many seek the thrill of quests and treasure hunts. Their versatility allows them to fill various roles within adventuring parties, making them valuable assets as warriors, mages, thieves, or diplomats.   In Conclusion:   The Humans of Aver are a complex and fascinating race, embodying both the best and worst aspects of sentient beings. Their diversity, ambition, and adaptability ensure that they will continue to shape the fate of the world and leave a lasting legacy for generations to come in the enchanting realm of Aver.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

Humans reproduce through viviparous means, giving birth to live offspring after a gestation period of around nine months. Their fertility and rapid reproductive rate contribute to the widespread presence of humans in Aver.

Growth Rate & Stages

Humans undergo a relatively fast growth rate compared to many other species. They progress through stages of infancy, childhood, adolescence, and adulthood, reaching maturity in their late teens or early twenties.

Ecology and Habitats

Humans display exceptional adaptability, thriving in diverse environments across Aver. They can be found in bustling cities, fertile plains, dense forests, and even remote mountainous regions. Their ability to adjust to varying habitats contributes to their widespread presence.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Humans are omnivorous beings, consuming a wide variety of foods that include meat, vegetables, fruits, and grains. Their diet is often influenced by their environment and cultural practices.

Biological Cycle

Humans are not subject to specific biological cycles like certain species in Aver. Instead, they are influenced by seasonal changes and natural cycles like other beings in the world.


Humans exhibit diverse behaviors and psychological traits, shaped by their individual experiences, upbringing, and cultural backgrounds. They are known for their adaptability, curiosity, and capacity for both altruism and ambition.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Human societies encompass a wide spectrum of social structures, from egalitarian communities to hierarchical systems. Their societal organization is deeply influenced by cultural beliefs and historical developments.

Facial characteristics

Human facial features encompass a wide range of appearances, reflecting the incredible diversity among their ethnicities and cultures.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Humans are one of the most widespread species in Aver, with settlements and communities scattered across the continents. They thrive in various regions, making use of their adaptability to establish societies in diverse environments.

Average Intelligence

Humans possess a broad range of intelligence, spanning from individuals of average intellect to those with exceptional intelligence and wisdom.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Humans possess a balanced range of sensory capabilities, including keen eyesight and acute hearing. While they lack any extraordinary extrasensory powers, their adaptability and resourcefulness enable them to use tools, technology, and magic to enhance their perception.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Human naming traditions are as diverse as their cultures. They often consist of a given name, followed by a surname or family name, passed down through generations. The choice of names may vary depending on cultural practices, personal preferences, and regional customs.

Major Organizations

Humans are renowned for their formation of influential organizations, ranging from trade guilds and religious institutions to powerful knightly orders and scholarly academies. These organizations often play a significant role in shaping the political, economic, and cultural landscape of Aver.

Beauty Ideals

Human beauty standards are as varied as the people themselves. Different cultures emphasize distinct features, such as facial symmetry, body proportions, or particular hairstyles. Beauty ideals may evolve over time and are often influenced by popular figures and cultural trends.

Courtship Ideals

Courtship customs among Humans differ across cultures and regions. From elaborate rituals and exchanges of gifts to more casual approaches, courtship is a cherished tradition that celebrates romance and the pursuit of love.

Relationship Ideals

Human relationships are built on a foundation of trust, mutual respect, and emotional connection. They value loyalty, open communication, and the willingness to support one another through life's challenges.

Average Technological Level

Humans have achieved remarkable technological advancements, encompassing a wide range of inventions and innovations. Their mastery of engineering, magic, and craftsmanship has led to the development of sophisticated weaponry, transportation systems, and architectural marvels.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Humans speak a multitude of languages, and their linguistic diversity is a reflection of the countless cultures and regions they inhabit. These languages are often grouped into language families, with distinct dialects emerging in different communities.

Common Etiquette Rules

Human etiquette varies significantly depending on cultural norms and social status. Common etiquette may involve greetings, table manners, and codes of conduct when interacting with others.

Common Dress Code

Human attire reflects the rich tapestry of their cultures and societal roles. Clothing styles may range from traditional and ornate garments worn during special occasions to practical and utilitarian clothing suited for everyday life.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Human culture encompasses a plethora of art forms, beliefs, customs, and traditions. Each civilization contributes unique expressions of music, dance, literature, and artistic craftsmanship, all passed down through generations, preserving their cultural heritage.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Humans engage in diverse customs and traditions, encompassing rituals associated with religious ceremonies, life events, and seasonal celebrations. These traditions play a crucial role in fostering a sense of identity and community cohesion.

Common Taboos

Human societies uphold various taboos that are considered socially unacceptable or forbidden. Taboos may be linked to cultural, religious, or historical factors, and breaking them often carries serious consequences.


The history of Humans in Aver is a tapestry of triumphs, conflicts, and cultural exchange. From their earliest days as nomadic tribes to the formation of grand civilizations, Humans have played a pivotal role in shaping the world's destiny. They have weathered countless wars, forged mighty empires, and witnessed the rise and fall of legendary figures. Their history is a testament to their unyielding spirit and the power of unity in the face of adversity.   Eldric Lorgrave: The Lorgrave family, led by the esteemed Eldric Lorgrave, ascended to the throne of Avernon through the people's resolute choice. In a pivotal moment of Aver's history, the citizens recognized Eldric's exceptional qualities of leadership, compassion, and foresight, leading them to bestow the ruling responsibility upon his lineage. Eldric Lorgrave's reign marked the beginning of a new era for Avernon, as the kingdom flourished under his wise governance. He governed with humility and a deep sense of duty to his people, fostering a strong bond between the monarchy and its subjects. His reign saw remarkable advancements in various domains, from culture and trade to the expansion of educational institutions.   The Lorgrave family's ascension to the throne through the people's choice became a defining characteristic of Avernon's monarchy, highlighting the significance of popular support and the mutual trust between ruler and citizenry. To this day, the Lorgrave family continues to be held in high regard, and Eldric Lorgrave's legacy endures as a symbol of a just and responsive monarchy deeply connected to the welfare of the people.

Historical Figures

The annals of Human history are replete with exceptional individuals who left a profound impact on their societies. These legendary figures include wise rulers, skilled warriors, brilliant inventors, and influential scholars.  
  • Eldric Lorgrave: The Lorgrave family, led by the esteemed Eldric Lorgrave, ascended to the throne of Avernon through the people's resolute choice. In a pivotal moment of Aver's history.
  • Eleanor Brightwing: An esteemed scholar and mage, Eleanor Brightwing made significant contributions to the understanding of arcane magic and ancient artifacts. Her discoveries in lost civilizations and mystical relics revolutionized magical studies and inspired future generations of mages.
  • Seraphina Ravenshadow: An enigmatic figure, Seraphina Ravenshadow was a mysterious rogue who became a folk hero among the common people. Known for her daring heists against corrupt nobles and oppressive rulers, she championed the cause of the downtrodden and became a symbol of hope and resistance.
  • Lord Cedric Stormborne: A visionary ruler and strategist, Lord Cedric Stormborne expanded the boundaries of the Human kingdoms through diplomatic alliances and military campaigns. His reign marked a golden age of cultural exchange and economic prosperity, fostering strong ties between Humans and neighboring races.
  • Isabella Frostwind: A legendary frost mage, Isabella Frostwind possessed an innate connection to the icy elements. Her mastery over frost magic enabled her to quell natural disasters and protect her people from harsh winters. She became a revered figure, with her legacy celebrated in festivals that honor her contributions to the realm's survival.
  • Marcus Fairwind: A fearless explorer and adventurer, Marcus Fairwind embarked on perilous journeys to uncharted lands, uncovering hidden civilizations and forging new trade routes. His intrepid spirit opened opportunities for cultural exchange and contributed to the enrichment of Human societies.
  • Aurelia Whitestone: A charismatic diplomat and peacemaker, Aurelia Whitestone negotiated treaties that brought stability to warring regions and fostered intercontinental alliances. Her ability to bridge divides and find common ground earned her the title "Ambassador of Unity."
  • Gregory Ironheart: A legendary blacksmith and engineer, Gregory Ironheart revolutionized weaponry and armory with his ingenious designs and craftsmanship. His creations, imbued with magical enhancements and ingenious mechanisms, became sought-after treasures among warriors and adventurers.

Common Myths and Legends

Throughout their history, Humans have woven a rich tapestry of myths, legends, and folklore that depict extraordinary heroes, fearsome creatures, and epic sagas. These stories serve as a source of inspiration, moral guidance, and entertainment for generations.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Humans are known for their adaptability in building relationships with other species. Their interactions with Elves, Dwarves, Gnomes, Dragonborn, and other races have often resulted in cultural exchange, alliances, and, at times, conflicts. The extent of these interactions varies widely across different regions and historical periods.

Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Homo sapiens
The average human lifespan in Aver is around 70 to 90 years, though certain individuals may live longer due to exceptional circumstances or magical influences.
Average Height
Humans typically range in height from 150 to 185 centimeters (5 to 6 feet), with slight variations based on ethnicity and geographical location.
Average Weight
The average weight of humans ranges from 50 to 90 kilograms (110 to 200 pounds), varying based on factors such as diet, lifestyle, and genetics.
Average Physique
Humans exhibit diverse physiques, influenced by genetic factors and lifestyles. They can range from slender and agile to muscular and robust.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Humans have a varied range of skin tones, hair colors, and eye colors, each influenced by their ethnic heritage and geographic origins.
Related Organizations
Related Ethnicities