The Village of Appingmere

Appingmere is a village located in the duchy of Ellander , Temeria , known for its large rye fields, fields which turn golden come late spring when the rye is ready for harvest. The Ismena river flows through the village and continues north toward the city of Ellander, the duchy's capital.   The village is made up of about a rough dozen houses, is located by the river and centers around the village meeting place, the Appingmere Inn. There is also a blacksmith in the outskirts as well as a watermill upstream. An additional dozen or so farms dot the fields surrounding the village.  

Points of Interest

The Ealdorman's House
Appingmere Inn
The Blacksmith
The Mill

Nearby Locations

The Herbalist's Hut
The Ruins
The Caves
The Farmlands
The Ruined Village
Owning Organization
Characters in Location