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The House of Order

The House of Order in the Pantheon of the Gods that bring civilisation, order and justice to mankind.   The House of Order is founded on the principles of structure, stability, and organization. The gods of the House of Order believe that it is necessary to maintain balance and harmony in the world, and that this can only be achieved through strict adherence to laws and regulations. They value discipline, hierarchy, and efficiency, and seek to establish systems that promote these ideals.   Kordus, as the Lord of Order and God of War, leads the charge in maintaining order and stability. He is seen as a fierce but just leader, who values strength, loyalty, and honor above all else. The other gods in the House of Order have specific areas of expertise that they oversee, such as Arlindus with law and justice, Herartus with knowledge and education, and Dinnerva with cities and civilization.   The devils of the House of Order also play a significant role in maintaining order, but they do so through more aggressive means. Ylana oversees agriculture and harvest, ensuring that food supplies are consistent and controlled. Ifrius, on the other hand, is responsible for the controlled use of fire and destruction, ensuring that these powerful forces are used only for the greater good. Mighil is a devil of the void and cosmic order, and is responsible for maintaining balance in the universe. Finally, Elaratus and Deorus are archdevils who oversee the maintenance of divine law and judgment, as well as order and discipline, respectively.

Divine Origins

In the beginning, there was the Void, from which the primordial forces of good and evil emerged. From these forces came the First Gods, including Okorus, Lord of Order. Okorus believed that the universe needed structure and discipline, and so he created the House of Order, a group of deities dedicated to enforcing laws, upholding justice, and promoting civilization and progress.   Under Okorus's leadership, the House of Order was a tightly organized and hierarchical group. Each member had a specific role to play in maintaining order, and they worked together to promote stability and security throughout the mortal realm.   However, not all of the members of the House of Order were content with the strict rules and regulations that Okorus had put in place. Kordus, the God of War, believed that the universe needed to be constantly tested and challenged in order to grow and evolve. He saw Okorus's leadership as oppressive and stifling, and he rebelled against his authority.   In a fierce battle, Kordus defeated and killed Okorus, taking his place as Lord of Order. He then restructured the House of Order to reflect his own beliefs, promoting strength, discipline, and martial prowess above all else. The House of Order under Kordus's leadership became a powerful force, feared and respected throughout the mortal realm.

Tenets of Faith

The House of Order emphasizes strict adherence to rules and regulations. The tenets of faith of the House of Order include:   1. Order: The belief in the importance of order, stability and structure in society and the universe.   2. Discipline: The belief that discipline, hard work, and dedication are the key to success and progress.   3. Justice: The belief in fair and equal treatment under the law, and that those who break the law should be punished accordingly.   4. Knowledge: The belief in the importance of education, knowledge, and wisdom, and that it should be available to all who seek it.   5. Innovation: The belief in the importance of progress and advancement through new ideas and technologies, while still maintaining order and structure.   These tenets form the basis of the House of Order's belief system, and guide their actions and decisions in all aspects of life.


The House of Order upholds the values of structure, organization, discipline, and hierarchy. They believe that a well-ordered society is necessary for civilization to thrive, and that strict adherence to laws and regulations is necessary for maintaining that order. They believe in the importance of education and knowledge, and seek to expand their understanding of the world through scholarship and research.   The House of Order also values strength, particularly in the form of military might. They believe that a strong military is necessary for protecting their society and maintaining order. They uphold the virtues of honor, duty, and loyalty, and expect their followers to behave with integrity and respect for authority.   Overall, the House of Order believes that a stable and well-ordered society is essential for the flourishing of humanity, and that strict adherence to laws and regulations is necessary to achieve this end.


Worship in the House of Order involves organized rituals and ceremonies that emphasize discipline, structure, and obedience to the laws of the gods. These ceremonies are led by priests and priestesses who serve as intermediaries between the mortal worshippers and the divine beings.   The House of Order also places great importance on personal responsibility and self-improvement. Worshippers are encouraged to better themselves through education, hard work, and dedication to their chosen professions. Many also believe in the power of prayer and meditation to cultivate inner strength and focus.   Offerings and sacrifices are also an important aspect of worship in the House of Order. These may include valuable items such as gold, silver, or precious gems, as well as more practical offerings such as food or tools. However, sacrifices of living beings are strictly forbidden.   Overall, worship in the House of Order is characterized by a sense of reverence, orderliness, and devotion to the gods of the pantheon.


The priesthood in the House of Order is highly organized and structured, reflecting the values of the House. Priests are expected to uphold and enforce the laws and traditions of their society, and to lead by example in living an ordered and disciplined life.   Priests of the House of Order typically undergo rigorous training, both physical and intellectual, in order to prepare themselves for their duties. They are often trained in martial arts and combat tactics, as well as in legal and philosophical theory. In addition, they are expected to master a range of practical skills, such as engineering and city planning.   The highest-ranking members of the priesthood are known as Archons, and they are responsible for overseeing the administration of the House of Order. They are typically chosen for their wisdom, intelligence, and ability to lead, and they are held to a high standard of moral conduct.   In addition to their administrative duties, priests of the House of Order are also expected to provide spiritual guidance and support to their communities. They often act as judges and arbitrators in legal disputes, and they may also be called upon to serve as military leaders in times of war. Overall, the priesthood of the House of Order serves as the backbone of their society, upholding the values of law, order, and discipline in all aspects of life.

Political Influence & Intrigue

The House of Order has a strong presence in politics and governance, with many of its members serving as advisers and officials in various kingdoms and empires throughout the mortal realm. They believe in the importance of upholding and enforcing laws and regulations, and often use their influence to ensure that these laws are followed.   Members of the House of Order also believe in the importance of maintaining a strong military presence and often advocate for the use of force in maintaining peace and order. They are known for their strategic planning and tactical prowess in battle, and many military leaders and commanders are members of this House.   There is also a great deal of political intrigue within the House of Order itself, as members compete for positions of power and influence. Despite their focus on order and structure, there is a certain amount of political maneuvering and backstabbing that takes place within the House.   Overall, the House of Order seeks to maintain stability and structure in society, and uses its political influence to achieve these goals.
Religious, Pantheon
Parent Organization
Permeated Organizations


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