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Blue Blessing

  Blue Blessings are small mushrooms that are found within Sanctum Forest as well as a small area just south of it, both of which are controlled by Ione. Blue Blessings are only a few inches tall and are usaully found in groups of two or three on the ground in shaded areas. They exhibt bioluminescence similar to the Mark of Fortune and as a result are found in many facets of Ionean culture, such as cuisine and artwork.

Basic Information


Blue blessing are approximately 3 inches tall, with a cap 2 inches wide when fully matured. The caps are ovate leaning on globular throughout their lifecycle and the spore bearing surface is gill-like and are subdecurrent. There is a small flare on the stalk about half the size of the cap approximately an inch from the gills. Blue blessings are a ghostly white/translucent when immature and slowly become a brillant blue or cyan colour as they mature and emit a very bright blue bioluminescence when fully matured.

Genetics and Reproduction

Blue Blessings reproduce asexually through the distribution of spores which are released from the gills a week after maturation, which makes all Blue Blessing genetically identical to one another. When the spores reach a location of favourable conditions they will begin the first stage of the mushroom's growth.

Growth Rate & Stages

Blue Blessings begin as a spore searching for favourable growth conditions. Usually this process is done through being caught on the wind and distributed, but other distribution methods such as being spread by insects or small animals also occur. During the initial release the spore will immediately begin the process of mitosis. Spores that do not find a suitable location within a few hours are unlikely to continue their growth.   If a suitable location is found the spore will begin to grow downwards into the soil to create it's initial hyphae. After approximately 3 days of growth the hyphae of the spore will have created a small monokaryptioc mycelium which will typically begin to form two or three pins that will grow into the fruiting bodies of the mushroom. After 5 days of growth these pins will grow into "buttons", small cylindrical growths about the radius of the mature stem. These pins and the associated local mycelium are translucent and remain that way throughout the "pin" and "button" stages of growth.   After about a week of growth, Blue Blessings approach their mature state with their cap growing outwards into the globular shape and gaining significant height about a day after reaching the button stage. They begin to lose their translucency during this stage, and change to a vibrant blue or cyan colour. The caps will begin to appear glossy and provide the greatest amount of light, followed the stem, and finally the gills which in comparison are more matte and produce less light. During this final maturation the local mycelium will grow rapidly attempting to connect to other nearby local mycelium to create a larger structure presumably for water and nutrients.   A week after being fully matured the Blue Blessing will release their first set of spores to begin the cycle once again. Usually only one set of spores is released, but it is possible for a second set to be release if the fruiting body survives for an additional week. This behaviour appears to be relative as to whether the individual mushroom has been able to link up with a larger mycelium, with those unable to do so only releasing spores once.

Ecology and Habitats

The Blue Blessing is only found and cultivated within Sanctum Forest and a few kilometers south. As such it is assumed that the growth of these mushrooms requires mild winters and warm summers with a lower level of precipitation. The mushrooms require soil while not taking to any other substrate, and minimal to no sunlight. As a result Blue Blessings tend to prefer heavily forested areas, growing at the bases of trees with heavy canopy coverage but also tight groupings of other plants. In the settled areas of Ione just south of Sanctum Forest, the mushrooms tend to grow in less built up zones, growing against buildings with large overhangs or in basic storage barns.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

As the Blue Blessing has similar bioluminescent colouration to the Mark of Fortune from which the majority of Ionean culture revolves around, they are cultivated quite heavily and are used in a significant number of Ionean cultural dishes and drinks. They are known to have minor psychedelic properties, though the preparation to make them palatable while retaining these properties is difficult and is usually a well kept secret among chefs and brewers. As Sanctum Forest is a holy site used for the Trials of the Fortunate, access to wild Blue Blessings is very limited, leading to their cultivation in Ione, most notably in Greycross.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

blue blessing mushroom illustration
by SoftPawz
3 weeks
Conservation Status
Average Height
5 - 8 cm (2 - 3 in)
Average Weight
5 - 7 g
Average Length
3 - 5 cm (1 - 2 in)
Geographic Distribution

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