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The Ancient Bastion

“They say that time claims all, weathers everything back to the dust from which it came, but Ione, Ione alone has truly withstood the test of time.”
— Alarch of Ione, Amadeus Kothe
  Ione is a tiny independent nation state that resides in the center of the Fanvinir continent, lying at the western edge of the Irios region. Ione is the oldest extant nation on Fanvinir, having existed independently for almost 1,750 years. In addition to being the oldest, Ione is also the smallest, having 27,843 individuals in an area of just 440 km2 that has remained almost unchanged since its inception during the Time of Trials.   Ione is significantly inland and does not border any large bodies of water and thus is considered landlocked, and though the massive rivers that surround a large portion of the country do connect to the inner bay of Fanvinir, they are controlled by other nations. Controlling two of the Jewel Lake offshoot rivers, the Jhio River to the West and the Silent River to the East, does generate a significant amount of traffic to some of the riverside cities of Ione, which creates a reasonable amount of trade with other nations existing upstream. Its largest city, Fortuna, is also its capital holding over a third the nation's total population.   Ione’s economy is primarily based on being an independent trade hub within the Irios region and those that surround it due to the rivers that allow for numerous trade ships to supply goods to groups that exist further inland. Smaller industries are present in Ione and are based around farming, processing farmed goods, exporting stone such as marble, and artwork in the form of sculptures or alchemical stained glass.   The government of Ione is a theocracy with it's national Religion Fortunism being directly incorporated into the government strcuture. Those holding government positions first need to have been “marked” by the Patron Deity of Fortunism, Cionecic, and then pass the subsequent trial that occurs every year. Moving up the governmental structure also requires being chosen through Cionecic's Divine Selection for available positions in a ceremony that occurs on an as needed basis. As only humans can obtain these Marks of Fortune, only the human population is considered by the government to be official citizens of Ione. Other species do exist within the borders, but they are few and far between, usually only staying for a few months or years to conduct trade missions or other various forms of business. As a result the true population of Ione is likely to be slightly higher than officially recorded.   Table of Contents

Table of Contents


The government structure of Ione is unique being Theocracy in which the assignment of roles is limited to only a select few individuals that display unique bioluminescent markings. These unique markings appear on a few seemingly random individuals in during the first week of the Ionean new year. Currently it is unknown what traits these individuals possess that result in these markings, but they are known to only appear on humans, usually from ages 17 to 25, from within the region currently controlled by Ione. Individuals possessing these markings are called Initiates and only about ten to fifteen initiates are selected every year. Once initiates have their marks, they are collected by government officials and trained at the Grand Cathedral in for nine months and then sent into Sanctum Forest for the final month of the year as their initiation trial. This trial is not without danger, in fact many initiates go into the forest and do not return. The danger of the forest has resulted in a fairly intense generalized training, as well as specific training pertaining to the specialization of the individual that has been marked.  

Ranks within the Order

Regardless of the role an individual may hold it is common to refer to an individual by their rank and then their full name. If intimate with the individual being addressed only the rank and first name need to be used. If in private with an individual who you are intimately familiar with you may use only the first name, though often out of respect it is common to still use the title depending on the rank, such as Alarch, Exarch, Eparch, Grand Elder or Elder.  
  • Alarch - The national leader of Ione, thought to be the mortal representative of Cionecic.
  • Exarch - The provincial leaders who report directly to the Alarch.
  • Eparch - The municipal leaders who report to their respective Exarchs.
  • Holy Sentinel - The watchful eyes of the Alarch.
  • Grand Elder - Retired Exarch or Eparchs who no longer have political power.
  • Elder - Other retired ranks below that of Eparch.
  • Acolyte - Those that have successfully passed their trial.
  • Initiate - Those that are in training for their trial.

Heroic Titles

Individuals that have performed heroic feats in protecting Ione or in the name of Cionecic may be granted a heroic title by the sitting Alarch. This title will always preface the rank of the individual. Usually these titles describe the event that the individual took part in to make them famous, such as the title granted to Exalted Eye Grand Elder Aelfrith Siege, in which Aelfrith killed an enemy commander in a single shot of his bow, ending a decisive battle with only a single casualty. People believed that Aelfirth Siege was chosen by Cionecic to save Ione with superior sight indicated by his mark appearing on his right eye, the one he used to aim his bow, thus he was given the title of Exalted Eye. It is very common for heroic titles to be given posthumously as many heroes have sacrificed themselves for Ione, in battle or otherwise.



As Ione controls a very small area of land far from the coasts, the typical Ionean diet leans very heavily vegetarian, as making the most of agricultural land is a priority. Some animal products like milk and cheese are used primarily in celebrations and are heavily regulated compared to plant based agriculture. Some settlements such as Ornamen, Anderselt, Newbridge, and Vane also consume significant amounts of river fish, such as the Gem Trout due to their proximity to the Jhio and Silent rivers. Fish is also consumed inland, but is less common especially in bordering towns like Ardarre or Principa where transporting fresh meat may impose some challenges.  


Ione’s artwork is largely sculptures made from granite, marble, and stiberite that are often incorporated directly into many of the nation’s government and holy buildings, namely the Grand Cathedral Cathedral which incorporates both functions and the Towering Gatehouses which also have sculptures incorporated throughout their designs. As Ione is almost entirely flat, mines and quarries are few and far between and are usually quite small. Majority of the marble used in construction and artwork is mined from within Ione’s borders from Basin Quarry on the outskirts of Arnsrath. Granite and stiberite are imported from western mountain range. Additionally precious metals, and very rarely gemstones, used for finishing many art pieces are also imported from this region.   Less prominent but still well known are the alchemical stained glass pieces produced by Ionean alchemists and artists that populate many of the religious sites throughout Irios, though some pieces have been known to make it as far as Montagne and Atiris. The Grand Cathedral stands out among the locations of stained glass artwork as each Alarach’s portrait is done in stained glass rather than the paint utilized by other nations. Some heroes of Ione’s past, such as the Voice of Gold, Elder Wara Wenberg and the Exalted Eye, Grand Elder Aelfrith Siege also have scenes of their heroics captured in stained glass.  

Time Keeping

Like much of Ione, the Ionean calendar has remained much the same for hundreds of years. The calendar has six days a week, and six weeks a month, with an extra day on alternating months which is often taken as a holiday. This calendar timing is based on the phases of the planets two moons, Moroc and Mephostopheles with a full cycle of Mephostopheles indicating a month and a full cycle of Phaust indicating a year.  


The Time of Trials (4-1271)

The Time of Trials was tumultuous as many powerful entities fought each other for dominance leading to the destruction of numerous settlements, populations, and cultures. Irios was one the areas that was subjected to a significant amount of devastation due to it’s fairly flat and easy to navigate terrain which allowed armies to traverse it quickly. Many historical documents and accounts of the past were lost to the conflicts of the time and it is assumed that much of the early history of the people Ione and much of Irios met the same fate. From the documents that did survive, historians have pieced together theories on the origins of Ione. Such theories include a group of refugees using the forest as a haven from the surrounding conflicts, or a group of soldiers attempting to use the forest as an ambush point and getting lost within. However, one commonality between all stories is that the group stayed within the forest long enough to become “marked” with small, blue, bioluminescent symbols, which came to be known as the Marks of Fortune. Based on the yearly frequency, the group stayed within the forest for at least a year. The forest was not a hospitable place, but it was objectively better than being on the battlefield, being hunted down by enemy soldiers or smote by an angry deity. In 251, a short time after exiting the safety of the forest the small settlement of Fortuna was founded, named after the good fortune that the forest provided. The group that founded this settlement would become known as The Fortenes. The settlement was established a short distance away from the now named Sanctum Forest which was quickly marked as a holy site. As combat on the many battlefields continued and the warring fronts continued to shift towards the east, the settlement attempted to become more permanent hoping that the warring fronts would not reverse direction. During the initial establishment of the settlement it also became tradition for those who were marked to spend an extended period of time in the forest as a trial to show that they were worthy of providing leadership to the group as the original founders had done. This time in the forest was also to ensure that the marked individuals had the time to form a bond and trust in their currently unknown deity. This tradition became the basis of the Ionean government and culture through the formation of the Trials of the Fortunate. By 265, two other settlements had been created. Vane was a scouting outpost at the tip of the Silent River that was established to provide early detection if the warring fronts began to approach the established settlements, and Absolus which was established at the edge of Sanctum Forest to support Initiates preparing to enter the forest for their trials and to prevent those without marks from desecrating the forest. These settlements remained significantly smaller than Fortuna as they were meant to provide specific function to the Fortenes and individuals were often sent their on rotation for a period of time rather than attempting to establish a life there. Despite previous beliefs, individuals residing in these settlements were also obtaining Marks of Fortune which prompted Fortuna to begin mapping the area in which these marks would appear. This effort was completed sometime in 302.   The Fortenes continued to expand and created the settlements of Kronbruck in 316 and Anderselt in 330, though by this point the cohesion of the settlements was beginning to waver the settlements were acting fairly independently of one another, though all were still adhering to the Trials of the Fortunate and did collaborate on a palisade to protect the forest in 361. The official founding of Ione can be traced back to a vision provided to a man named Haeferic Voss by Cionecic in 373. This vision was the first time that Cionecic revealed herself to the Ionean predecessors and also marked the point at which Fortunism shifted from it's tribal roots to it's organized form. Cionecic explained to Voss that the Sanctum Forest must be protected and that following her instructions would allow the people of survive the God Wars and flourish. With Cionecic's direction Haeferic Voss founded Ione as a nation with the Alarch as the mortal leader of the nation reporting only to Cionecic. All of the settlements established by the Fortenes in the area were quickly brought under the same banner. Cionecic also warned Voss not to make the nation a target as many powerful patrons were still battling for supremecy and in her weakened state should would not be able to defeat all the combatants that would come for them. The outpost of Vane was raided in 439 and out of a concern that Ione could potentially be discovered per Cionecic's warning Alarch Haeferic Voss insitituted the Clandestine Growth Directive in 440 which prevented the creation of any new settlements. Shortly after the directive was put in place, Voss also decided to raze the settlement of Ravenstadt , the most recent and furthest settlement from Sanctum Forest in an attempt to minimize the footprint of Ione to only directly along Sanctum Forest and the Jhio River. Almost all of the citizens of both Vane and Ravenstadt were moved into Fortuna. In the early 500's Ione's military had been formed and shortly after it experienced it's first military action when The Union Under Ashenkarle attempted to settle within the Ionean holy land. Due to Hethor Fiske's [Holy Sentinels Directive] the Ionean government was made immediately aware of the tresspassers. The Ionean government sent an envoy to ask the Ashenkaric settlers to move off of the holy land, but the envoy was executed prompting a war between the Union Under Ashenkarle and Ione. As Ione's military force had prepared to launch an assault on the first detection of a hostile force, they immediately retaliated and were able to quickly force the Union Under Ashenkarle out of their claimed territory. Despite winning their battles quickly and decisively Ionean troops were ordered to reinforce the Ionean border rather than follow the Ashenkaric. The Union Under Ashenkarle was defeated by a third party in 536 and Ionean troops were recalled back to Fortuna in 539. With the Holy Sentinels Directive still allowing Ione to have insight into the happenings within their borders, Alarch Edwen Dinwych made the decision to utilize the idle soldiers to begin a large construction project that he called the Grand Cathedral, a huge monument that would be used as the core place of worship, the centre of govnernment, and the home of the Alarch and his advisors though Alarch Edwen Dinwych would die before seeing it's completion. Shortly after the completion of the Grand Cathedral under Dinwych's successor, Alarch Ricmaer Guthler the Everlasting Commemoration Directive

The Second Era (1271-2042)


The Current Era (2042-Present)

In 2042 Cionecic announced her return in a vision to Alarch Amadeus Kothe, stating that she and her pantheon would be interacting with the Ionean on a more regular basis, though currently this has yet to be seen.

Demography and Population

Ione has an official total of 27,843 individuals all of whom are humans, though unofficially the population is slightly larger if non-humans are accounted for. Majority of the population of Ione exists in the capital of Fortuna, which houses just over a third of the total population. The provincial capitals of Absolus, Principa, and Ornamen hold another third, with the final third being distributed among the smaller towns and countryside. Almost the entirety of the non-human population exists within the city of Ornamen working on trade missions or running caravansaries for notable trade caravans and usually do not stay longer than a few years.


Ione controls a total of 440 square kilometers of terriory.  


The geography of Ione is split between two distinct regions. The city exists on a flat plain and to the North, a deciduous forest which is considered to be holy. The whole country exists on a fairly flat area between the Jhio & Silent Rivers that split from Jeweled Lake at the northern point of the forest. The forest and the plains are artificially separated by the Grand Wall that encircles Ione.    


Ione exists in the Warm-summer Mediterranean climate (Köppen climate classification: Csb) experiencing warm (but not hot) and dry summers with significant precipitation, specifically during the winter months. Ione rarely experiences snow and usually requires a particularly cold year for it to occur. Due to Ione’s small size, only one climate and the associated weather is experienced throughout the nation.


Trade & Transport


Ione’s economy is primarily based around the taxation of its citizens and the trade that is conducted within its borders, primarily in Ornamen. Outside of the high taxation, Ione’s primary generation of currency is through the export of its alcohol, cheese, river fish, herbs, and medicines. Ione is also known to have very talented stonemasons and artists, and it is not uncommon to find Ionean art in some of the palaces of other nations.   All businesses that are owned and operated by Ioneans are technically owned by Cionecic through the theocratic government; however this is mostly a technicality that is not exercised by the governing authority except in extreme instances, such as significant rights abuses by the controllers of a business.
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Country
Predecessor Organization
Leader Title
Government System
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Palace economy
Official State Religion
Related Traditions
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Articles under Ione

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  • 246 TCC

    Human Refugees Seek Refuge in Sanctum Forest
    Life, Relocation

    A small group of humans enter Sanctum Forest to escape the devastation of the God Wars destroying Irios as warring armies move East.

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  • 247 TCC

    Human Refugees Emerge from Sanctum Forest with Bioluminescent Marks
    Cultural event

    After around a year of surviving in Sanctum Forest the remaining Human refugees emerge, some of whom have small bioluminescent marks for an unknown reason.

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  • 251 TCC

    The City of Fortuna is Founded

    The survivors of the Sanctum Forest refugees form a small settlement a reasonable distance from the forest with a plan to retreat to the forest if invading armies are detected. The city is named for the fortune of finding the forest.

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  • 252 TCC

    Fortuna Begins the Trials of the Fortunate
    Religious event

    Those with bioluminescent markings are considered to have been chosen by the Gods to lead the people of Fortuna. It is decided that in order to exist close to the Gods to form a bond, indiviuals must spend time within the Sanctum Forest and endure the hardships within to build trust that the Gods will deliver them.

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  • 259 TCC

    The Village of Vane is Founded

    The village of Vane is founded as an scouting outpost to warn the citizens of Fortuna if the warring fronts in the East begin to return Westward.

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  • 265 TCC

    The City of Absolus is Founded

    The city of Absolus is founded to provide support to initiates preparing to enter Sanctum Forest and prevent those without holy marks from entering the forest at all.

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  • 302 TCC

    The Total Area in Which Marks of Fortune Will Appear is Discovered
    Discovery, Exploration

    The total area in which Humans can be granted a Mark of Fortune is discovered and the city of Fortuna begins it's attempts to control the area.

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  • 316 TCC

    The Village of Kronbruck is Founded

    The village of Kronbruck is founded to provide transit support for Initiates heading to Absolus to start their trials. The village quickly expands to take advantage of the fertile farmland.

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  • 330 TCC

    The Village of Anderselt is Founded

    The village of Anderselt is founded on the bank of the Jhio River to provide fresh water for crops and a supply of river fish.

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  • 361 TCC

    Fortifications Protecting Sanctum Forest from Land Access are Built
    Construction beginning/end

    In order to prevent individuals from desecrating the Sanctum Forest, basic wooden fortifications are installed blaocking land access, with an entryway installed in Absolus.

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  • 373 TCC

    Haeferic Voss is Given a Vision by Cionecic and Becomes the First Alarch
    Life, Supernatural

    Haeferic Voss has a vision in which he has a conversation with Cionecic, one of the Gods residing in the Sanctum Forest. He is given the title of Alarch of Ione in this vision.

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  • 375 TCC

    The Nation of Ione is Founded

    With numerous cities governing under the same set of beliefs and the holy land fully known Alarch Haeferic Voss announces the formal creation of the Nation of Ione, of which all is governed by Cionecic with he and all other leaders acting on her behalf.

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  • 392 TCC

    The Village of Ravenstadt is Founded

    The village of Ravenstadt is founded to expand the farming and food production capabilities of Ione. Additionally the location is thought to be location of Cionecic's defeat that drove her into hiding.

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  • 439 TCC

    Vane is Raided
    Disaster / Destruction

    Vane is raided by an unaffiliated group of humans which is the first large scale military action against Ione. Many of the villagers flee to Kronbruck and Ione sufferes minimal casualities though a significant amount of supplies is taken.

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  • 440 TCC

    Alarch Haeferic Voss Insitutes the Clandestine Growth Directive
    Political event

    After the raiding of Vane Alarch Haeferic Voss institutes the Clandestine Growth Directive limiting the creation of new settlements within the holy land hoping to keep Ionean settlements out of view of conquering nations by keeping growth close to the Jhio River and Sanctum Forest.

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  • 442 TCC

    Ione Razes Ravenstadt
    Disaster / Destruction

    Following the Clandestine Growth Directive, Ravenstadt is razed to the ground after majority of the citizens and resources are relocated to Kronbruck and Fortuna as Ione attempts to use the site as proof that this area of Irios has already been devasted by the God Wars masking their development.

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  • 445 TCC

    Alarch Haeferic Voss Dies of Natural Causes
    Life, Death

    Alarch Haeferic Voss dies of natural causes and Hethor Fiske assumes the title of Alarch of Ione.

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  • 449 TCC

    Alarch Hethor Fiske Insititutes the Holy Sentinels Directive
    Political event

    In order to ensure Ione can gain eventual control of the land they consider holy, Alarch Hethor Fiske institutes the Holy Sentinels Directive, and creates a group of magic users in Fortuna to consistently scan over the area using Arcane Eyes.

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  • 458 TCC

    Alarch Hethor Fiske Formally Establishes the Ionean Military Force
    Political event

    With news that the warring fronts in the East have finally collapsed inward and fractured, smaller groups are seeing this as an opportunity to gain control swaths of land. In order to adequately defend itself if discovered, Alarch Hethor Fiske establishes the Ionean Military Force based at Fortuna.

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  • 506 TCC

    The Union Under Ashenkarle Begins an Expansion into Ionean Holy Land
    Life, Relocation

    A sizable elven faction, The Union under Ashenkarle, begins to expand into the void left behind after the collapse of the Eastern warring front and claims a portion of land that is considered by Ione to be Holy. They are detected early by the Holy Sentinels and Ione begins war preparations.

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  • 507 TCC

    Ionean Envoy is Sent to Union Under Ashenkarle Who is Promptly Executed
    Life, Death

    Ione sends an envoy to the Union Under Ashenkarle to ask them to vacate their holy land. The Union Under Ashenkarle promptly executes the envoy.

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  • 507 TCC

    Ione Declares War on The Union Under Ashenkarle
    Military action

    The execution of the Ionean envoy results in Ione immediately declaring war on the Union Under Ashenkarle and attacking immediately.

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  • 515 TCC

    The Union Under Ashenkarle is Forced Out of the Ionean Holy Land By Ionean Military Forces
    Military action

    After a few short years of war, Ione successfully pushes the Union Under Ashenkarle forces out of Holy Land. The Union Under Ashkarle has another war declared on them from their neighbor to the North forcing a reposition of their troops to defend their Northern border.4

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  • 516 TCC

    Ione Refinforces at the Border of their Holy Land
    Military action

    Despite a fairly quick victory against the Union Under Ashenkarle, Alarch Hethor Fiske orders Ionean troops to reinforce at the border of Ione instead of pushing into Ashenkarle territory.

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  • 518 TCC

    The Village of Vane is Rebuilt
    Construction beginning/end

    After the expulsion of the Union Under Ashenkarle from Ionean holy land and Ione reinforces the border, a subset of Ionean troops are redirected to begin the rebuilding of the outpost at Vane.

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  • 520 TCC

    Alarch Hethor Fiske Dies of Natural Causes
    Life, Death

    Alarch Hethor Fiske dies of natural causes and Edwen Dinwych assumes the title of Alarch of Ione.

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  • 536 TCC

    The War Against Ashenkarle Concludes
    Diplomatic action

    The war against the Union Under Ashenkarle ends when the Union Under Ashenkarle disbands due to significant losses in the North.

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  • 539 TCC

    Alarch Edwen Dinwych Recalls the Ionean Military Force to Fortuna
    Life, Relocation

    With the Holy Land of Ione Secured Alarch Edwen Dinwych recalls Ionean troops back to Fortuna to honor the Clandestine Growth Directive and prevent the creation of new settlements. The Holy Sentinels begin to monitor the Holy Land once again.

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  • 561 TCC

    Alarch Edwen Dinwych Utilizes the Idle Soldiers to Begin the Construction of the Grand Cathedral in Fortuna
    Construction beginning/end

    With the Holy Sentinels Directive allowing Ione to be aware of intruders before they become a threat, Alarch Edwen Dinwych directs the idle Ionean soldiers to begin the construction of what she calls the Grand Cathedral. A huge construction that will act as the centre of the Ionean govnerment body and a place in which Ionean religious rituals will take place.

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  • 562 TCC

    Alarch Edwen Dinwych Dies of Natural Causes
    Life, Death

    Alarch Edwen Dinwych dies of natural causes and Ricmaer Guthler assumes the title of Alarch of Ione.

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  • 569 TCC

    The Construction of Grand Cathedral is Completed
    Construction beginning/end

    The construction of the Grand Cathedral is completed and the seat of the Ionean government moves into the Govnernance Wing. Many national Ionean holy rituals are shifted into Ritual Wing.

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  • 575 TCC

    Alarch Ricmaer Guthler Institutes the Everlasting Commemoration Directive
    Political event

    With the recent creation of stained glass artwork, Alarch Ricmaer Guthler institutes the Everlasting Commemoration Directive which states that all Alarchs, both past and present, will be commemorated in the halls of the Grand Cathedral.

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  • 582 TCC

    580 TCC

    The Kronbrick Road is Paved with Stone
    Construction beginning/end

    With a minor construction force still available the main road from Fortuna to Absolus is paved with stone. This route is taken by the parade every year, and connects two major cities to the primary distribution centre for food. It is named after Kronbruck, the village residing between the two cities which the road passes through.

  • 596 TCC

    Alarch Ricmaer Guthler Dies in an Accident
    Life, Death

    Alarch Ricmaer Guthler dies of an accident during improvements to the Grand Cathedral in Fortuna and Ceredig Snyder assumes the title of Alarch of Ione.

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  • 605 TCC

    615 TCC

    The Absolian Wall Bordering Sanctum Forest is Replace with Stone
    Construction beginning/end

    With the Grand Cathedral being completed, Soldiers and workers are directed to start replacing the old wooden fortifications protecting Sanctum Forest with more permanent stone walls. During the deconstruction of the of the wooden fortifications it is suggested that the gateway into the forest at Absolus be replaced by a large gatehouse.

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  • 664 TCC

    Alarch Ceredig Snyder Dies of Natural Causes
    Life, Death

    Alarch Ceredig Snyder dies of natural causes and Maethild Salter assumes the title of Alarch of Ione.

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  • 699 TCC

    Alarch Maethild Salter Dies of Illness
    Life, Death

    Alarch Maethild Salter dies of illness and Algar Stanier assumes the title of Alarch of Ione.

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  • 724 TCC

    Ione Hears Whispers of War
    Political event

    Rumours from Ionean traders sparks concern that a large entity north of Ione is preparing to launch a southern conquest in the coming years and conquer territory including that claimed by Ione.

  • 726 TCC

    The Central Iriosian Coalition is Formed
    Diplomatic action

    With a number of independent groups hearing that a southern conquest is likely from a northern entity residing in Erune, a defensive coalition between numerous patrons is established to fend off the attackers and prevent another Eastward Warrging Front.

  • 730 TCC

    The Central Iriosian Coalition is Attacked
    Military action

    Despite the formation of the coalition they are attacked regardless and both sides suffer heavy losses.

  • 748 TCC

    The Central Irosion Coalition Successfully Defends Against the Erunite Threat
    Military action

    After many years of war the Central Iriosian Coalition is successful in defending their combined territory.

  • 766 TCC

    Alarch Algar Stanier Dies of Natural Causes
    Life, Death

    Alarch Algar Stanier dies of natural causes and Leofric Tasker assumes the title of Alarch of Ione.

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  • 771 TCC

    The Central Iriosian Coalition Disbands
    Political event

    With the Northern threat resolved and a number of the contributing nations experiencing internal strife, the coalition is disbanded and nations decide to go their own way.

  • 820 TCC

    Alarch Leofric Tasker Dies of Natural Causes
    Life, Death

    Alarch Leofric Tasker dies of natural causes and Cynethryth Parson assumes the title of Alarch of Ione.

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  • 857 TCC

    Alarch Cynethryth Parson Dies in an Accident
    Life, Death

    Alarch Cynethryth Parson dies of an accident in Fortuna and Lindhardt Bregate assumes the title of Alarch of Ione.

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  • 860 TCC

    Skoedan Discovers Ione
    Discovery, Exploration

    Skoedite scouts disocver Ionean settlements and send an envoy to discuss motive and territorial claims. Skoedan respects Ione's small boundary claims and trade negotiations are started.

  • 880 TCC

    Alarch Lindhardt Bregate Lifts the Clandestine Growth Directive
    Political event

    With Ione fully securing their holy land through discussions with Skoedan and the larger region becoming aware of their existence, the Clandenstine Growth Directive limiting the establishing of new towns is finally lifted and large populations are moved into new settlements.

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  • 882 TCC

    The City of Principa is Founded

    The city of Principa is founded at the outskirts of Ione's claimed area to house and train militiamen to fend off raiders and other attacking nations.

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  • 902 TCC

    Alarch Lindhardt Bregate Dies of Natural Causes
    Life, Death

    Alarch Lindhardt Bregate dies of natural causes and Baldethiva Carver assumes the title of Alarch of Ione.

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  • 921 TCC

    The City of Ornamen is Founded

    The city of Ornamen is founded at the termination of the Jhio River to provide fresh water for crops and a supply of river fish. Over time the city becomes a trade hub for the region.

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  • 942 TCC

    Ravenstadt is rebuilt
    Construction beginning/end

    After the lifting of the Clandestine Growth Directive, Ravenstadt is finally rebuilt on the ruins of where it was originally razed.

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  • 958 TCC

    The Decision is Made to Extend the Border Wall
    Construction beginning/end

    With Ione showing it's ability to defend itself from large opponents and the Clandestine Growth Directive lifted, Alarch Baldethiva Carver decides to extend the border wall that protects Sanctum Forest to also protect all of Ione.

  • 961 TCC

    Alarch Baldethiva Carver Dies of Natural Causes
    Life, Death

    Alarch Baldethiva Carver dies of natural causes and Peohthelm Palmer assumes the title of Alarch of Ione.

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  • 999 TCC

    Alarch Peothelm Palmer is Given a Vision by Cionecic
    Life, Supernatural

    Alarch Peothelm Palmer has a vision in which she has a conversation with Cionecic. Cionecic warns that she will need to rest for many years but to remain faithful for her return.

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  • 1000 TCC

    Peohthelm Palmer Institutes the Enduring Faith Directive
    Political event

    With Cionecic entering dormancy, Alarch Peothelm Palmer institutes the Enduring Faith Directive in which the Trials of the Fortunate will continue and religious rituals will continue to ensure the foundations of Ione are preserved even if prayers are no longer being answered directly.

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  • 1000 TCC

    Cionecic and Her Pantheon Go Silent
    Religious event

    Cionecic and her pantheon stop providing visions to the Alarch. Despite the lack of communication the Trails of ther Fortunate continue and govnerment functions around Cionecic continue.

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  • 1013 TCC

    The Village of Ardarre is Founded

    The village of Ardarre is founded around the Towering Gatehouse of the South as the the Ionean Fortification Wall nears completion.

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  • 1023 TCC

    Alarch Peohthelm Palmer Dies of Natural Causes
    Life, Death

    Alarch Peohthelm Palmer dies of natural causes and Everard Collier assumes the title of Alarch of Ione.

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  • 1031 TCC

    Skoedan Guarantees Ionean Independence
    Diplomatic action

    Seeing value in developing Ione as an independent trade hub, Skoedan guaratees they will remain independent pledging to join them in any defensive war against an agressor.

  • 1041 TCC

    Ione is Divided into Three Provinces to Streamline Administration
    Political event

    Ione has grown to a significant enough size with newer settlements being founded each with their own unique wants and needs. The city of Absolus is designated as the capital of the Northen province of Ghia. The city of Ornamen is designated as the capital of the South-Western province of Meidem. The city of Principa is designated as the capital of the South-Eastern province of Wol.

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  • 1061 TCC

    Alarch Everard Collier Dies of Natural Causes
    Life, Death

    Alarch Everard Collier dies of natural causes and Guthhere Kinden assumes the title of Alarch of Ione.

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  • 1125 TCC

    Alarch Guthhere Kinden Dies of Natural Causes
    Life, Death

    Alarch Guthhere Kinden dies of natural causes and Beornthryth Mulliner assumes the title of Alarch of Ione.

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  • 1159 TCC

    Alarch Beornthryth Mulliner Dies of Natural Causes
    Life, Death

    Alarch Beornthryth Mulliner dies of natural causes and Somerhild Spicer assumes the title of Alarch of Ione.

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  • 1168 TCC

    The Village of Greycross is Founded

    The village of Greycross is founded... to be completed.

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  • 1200 TCC

    Alarch Somerhild Spicer Dies Under Mysterious Circumstances
    Life, Death

    Alarch Somerhild Spicer dies under mysterious circumstances and Calemund Tyrer assumes the title of Alarch of Ione.

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  • 1201 TCC

    Skoedan Dissolves due to Internal Strife

    A power struggle within the ruling pantheon results in the land claimed by Skoedan being divided between the warring parties after a short civil war.

  • 1252 TCC

    Alarch Calemund Tyrer Dies of Natural Causes
    Life, Death

    Alarch Calemund Tyrer dies of natural causes and Teowulf Alhfrith assumes the title of Alarch of Ione.

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  • 1273 TCC

    Alarch Teowulf Alhfrith Survives an Assassination Attempt by Zelphar
    Criminal Activity

    Alarch Teowulf Alhfrith is attempted to be assassinated by poisoning while visiting the city of Ornamen. An investigation is done and an Elf from Zelphar is found to have traces of the poison used in the attempt.

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  • 1304 TCC

    Alarch Teowulf Alhfrith Dies of Natural Causes
    Life, Death

    Alarch Teowulf Alhfrith dies of natural causes and Baldred Strathtun assumes the title of Alarch of Ione.

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  • 1345 TCC

    The Village of Arnsrath is Founded

    The village of Arnsrath is founded after the discovery of a massive vein of marble is discovered in the outskirts of a small farming hamlet.

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  • 1349 TCC

    Raven's Fel is Completed and Placed in the Center of Ravenstadt
    Artistic creation

    After the discovery of marble in Arnsrath, Alarch Baldred Strathtun commissions a large statue to be placed at the centre of Ravenstadt to commerate the Cionecic's loss during the beginning of the God Wars and later the razing of Ravenstadt to uphold the Clandestine Growth Directive.

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  • 1365 TCC

    Alarch Baldred Strathtun Dies of Natural Causes
    Life, Death

    Alarch Baldred Strathtun dies of natural causes and Cyneberg Drumwick assumes the title of Alarch of Ione.

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  • 1429 TCC

    Alarch Cyneberg Drumwick Dies of Natural Causes
    Life, Death

    Alarch Cyneberg Drumwick dies of natural causes and Godelina Beaduburg assumes the title of Alarch of Ione.

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  • 1466 TCC

    Alarch Godelina Beaduburg Dies of Natural Causes
    Life, Death

    Alarch Godelina Beaduburg dies of natural causes and Cynedeall Strathcarden assumes the title of Alarch of Ione.

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  • 1548 TCC

    Alarch Cynedeall Strathcarden Dies of Natural Causes
    Life, Death

    Alarch Cynedeall Strathcarden dies of natural causes and Ewald Aldhun assumes the title of Alarch of Ione.

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  • 1579 TCC

    Alarch Ewald Aldhun Dies In an Accident
    Life, Death

    Alarch Ewald Aldhun dies of an accident in Absolus and Elfilda Heiu assumes the title of Alarch of Ione.

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  • 1643 TCC

    Alarch Elfilda Heiu Dies of Natural Causes
    Life, Death

    Alarch Elfilda Heiu dies of natural causes and Eormenread Brunloc assumes the title of Alarch of Ione.

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  • 1701 TCC

    Alarch Eormenread Brunloc Dies of Natural Causes
    Life, Death

    Alarch Eormenread Brunloc dies of natural causes and Aebbe Llynworthy assumes the title of Alarch of Ione.

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  • 1766 TCC

    Alarch Aebbe Llynworthy Dies of Natural Causes
    Life, Death

    Alarch Aebbe Llynworthy dies of natural causes and Dryhthelm Stanier assumes the title of Alarch of Ione.

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  • 1803 TCC

    Alarch Dryhthelm Stanier Dies of Natural Causes
    Life, Death

    Alarch Dryhthelm Stanier dies of natural causes and Sigebehrt Fearson assumes the title of Alarch of Ione.

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  • 1852 TCC

    Alarch Sigebehrt Fearson Dies of Natural Causes
    Life, Death

    Alarch Sigebehrt Fearson dies of natural causes and Nordman Milner assumes the title of Alarch of Ione.

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  • 1924 TCC

    Alarch Nordman Milner Dies of Natural Causes
    Life, Death

    Alarch Nordman Milner dies of natural causes and Edoma Wilthryth assumes the title of Alarch of Ione.

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  • 2002 TCC

    The Village of Newbridge is Founded

    The village of Newbridge is founded after a bridge construction at Anderselt is vetoed by Alarch Edoma Wilthryth.

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  • 2003 TCC

    Alarch Edoma Wilthryth Dies of Natural Causes
    Life, Death

    Alarch Edoma Wilthryth dies of natural causes and Amadeus Kothe assumes the title of Alarch of Ione.

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  • 2042 TCC

    Alarch Amadeus Kothe is Given a Vision by Cionecic
    Life, Supernatural

    Alarch Amadeus Kothe has a vision in which he has a conversation with Cionecic. Cionecic announces her return with her pantheon and warns that many other powerful beings will also be returning.

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  • 2044 TCC

    Alarch Amadeus Kothe Lifts the Enduring Faith Directive
    Political event

    After being given a vision by Cionecic announcing her return Alarch Amadeus Kothe lifts the Enduring Faith Directive allowing religious rituals to be changed at the will of Cionecic.

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  • 2068 TCC

    Alarch Amadeus Kothe Dies of Natural Causes
    Life, Death

    Alarch Amadeus Kothe dies of natural causes and Maximillius Gregor assumes the title of Alarch of Ione.

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