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Trials of the Fortunate

  The Trials of the Fortunate is the ritual at the very core of Fortunism, Ione's state religion, and is based on the Mark of Fortune that can be granted to Humans residing within the current geography of Ione by the Patron Deity Cionecic.   Every year a number of humans are granted a Mark of Fortune which which begins the Trials of the Fortunate. The marked are sought out and collected by the Ionean government's Holy Sentinels to be trained for the nine months to prepare them to spend the final month of the Ionean year in Sanctum Forest. Training takes place at the Grand Cathedral in Fortuna and is done by a number of different trainers covering various skills. Once Training has been completed a parade is held, starting in Fortuna and travelling to the entrance into Sactum Forest through the palisades at Absolus.


The Trials of the Fortunate can trace its origins back to the founding of The Fortenes in 251. When the Human refugee's lives were saved by hiding in Sanctum Forest and some of them were given a Mark of Fortune they assumed that a god residing in the forest has blessed them and kept them safe. They began sending those who were granted marks into the forest to become closer with their currently unknown savior. Those that did not survive or did not return were deemed to have been unworthy of blessing that they had been given.   Over time the preparation of those going into the forest became more robust, in part due to a developing understanding that luck granted by their god was given to those most prepared. This led to training being performed at the capital and festivities being held before the excursion of the Initiates into the forest and during the return of the now Acolytes who had succeeded in their trial. Shortly after Absolus was founded in 265, fesitivities were slowly shifted to the town as it was much closer to the forest clearing. With the increasing population and the restrictions on only the marked being allowed to enter the forest, Absolus erected the palisades to prevent anyone from entering Sanctum Forest unless it was done through the Absolian gate, which was heavily guarded.   When Haeferic Voss was given his vision by Cionecic, one of her messages was to continue the Trials of the Fortunate which resulted the trials remaing mostly unchanged for almost 2000 years, with only the celebrations and training changed to keep relevant with the time.


The Trials of the Fortunate have several events that take place over the course of 2 years beginning with the appearance of the Marks of Fortune and ending with the return of the Initiates as Acolytes from Sanctum Forest and the subsequent celebration in the city of Absolus.  

The Marks of Fortune Appear

During the first week of the new year, Humans who are destined to become initiates will recieve a Mark of Fortune somewhere on thier body. The mark may be dull when it first appears, but will reach it's full luminesce by the end of the week. Once at full luminesce, the Mark of Fortune will never dull unless the host is killed and will reappear on the body if a non-essential part of the body containing the mark is lost.  

The Collection of the Initiates

During the first years of Ione's existence the collection of Initiates was done throught the local leaders of the settlements collecting individuals after a yearly sermon. After the [Holy Sentinels Directive] instituted by Alarch Hethor Fiske Fiske in 449, individuals were identified by a fairly unknown special rank, the Holy Sentinels. Through the use of an Attuned Scrying Pool located in the chambers of the Holy Sentinels within the Grand Cathedral in Fortuna, the Holy Sentinels are able to pinpoint the location of those newly marked and direct others, usually Acolytes, to go and collect the Initiates to be brought to the Grand Cathedral.  

The Opening Ceremonies

The opening ceremonies take place on the    

Initiate Training

Initiate training takes place from the the 13th of En until the 36th of Nigune, or almost nine of the ten months on the Ionean calendar. Training covers various disciplines that may vary depending on the background of the individuals, though certain topics such as thr history of Ione and the basics of combat are taught to all individuals. During this training period individuals live within the dormitories of the Grand Cathedral and are not allowed to leave the grounds, though they may still meet with visitors in common areas such as the main prayer hall, or the gardens that surround the Cathedral.  

The Parade to Absolus

On the 37th of Nigune all of the Initiates are collected in the main prayer hall of the Grand Cathedral and are given a blessing by the Alarch. They are then moved to the gardens and provided with some basic gear to use during their time in the forest. The gear is usually based off of the equipment that the individual has primarily spent their time training with. After donning the equipment the individuals are directed to a series of carts that they will sit in during the parade from Fortuna through Kronbruck to Absolus. Many people from all across Ione gather in one of those cities to watch the parade and cheer on the Initiates as they make their way to the forest clearing. In Kronbruck the Initiates will usually recieve a week's provisions each, to allow them a reasonable start on their trial. In Absolus a large celebration is held once the parade arrives, the Initiates are given time to relax, enjoy themselves and talk with friends and family before they go into the forest.  

The Delivery to Sanctum Forest

On the morning of the 1st of Tehan initates are brought through the The Towering Gatehouse of Absolus to the Sanctum Forest clearing by the Exarch of Absolus in the very early morning. During this time they are not allowed to speak to anyone outside of the Exarch and each other, though most citizens are aware of this and will not approach the group. At the clearing the Exarch will provide some final advice and send the Initiates into the forest and return through the gatehouse once they are no longer in sight.  

Surviving a Month in Sanctum Forest

The primary focus of the Trial of the Fortunate is survive a month in Sanctum Forest. Those that have succeeded in different years often have very, very different descriptions iof their time in the forest. Some describe a relaxing peaceful time, of gathering, fishing, and telling stories. Other describe a terrible fight for survival against impossible unnatural events, from which some of their group did not survive. Each group's experience is unique and unknown until they are in the forest themselves.  

The Return to Absolus

Provided the group has survived, they are expected to return to Absolus on the 36th of Tehan, where those that have survived will be greeted at the clearing by the Exarch of Absolus. Individuals that do not return on the 36th of Tehan are expected to have perished in the forest. As the Initiates reach the clearing, they are granted the title of Acolyte and quickly brought back to Absolus, where they are fed and their wounds taken care of. Much of the population of Absolus prepares for the return of the Acolytes to ensure that and that leave the forest alive do not succumb to their wounds.


Celebrations of the New Initiates - 7th of En
Absolian Parade - 37th of Nigune
Welcoming of the New Acolytes - 36th of Tehan
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