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Floods of Montagne: Session 1

The Streets on Mullinhal

General Summary

The story began with Rin patrolling the Market District of the Outer Rim, near Charger's Borough. She found herself breaking up a fight between a group of thugs that she would later identify as Mendigot and a Stone Giant. She decerned that the giant was a victim of assault, and also saw a merchant be abducted by these men. She arrested one of them and ordered the rest to scatter. The thug devuldged information that he worked for a man named Henri, and that he often would meet in a tavern known as La fée. The two prompty made way to the establishment to stake it out.
  Not far away in the sewers of Bell Farthing, Seech awoke. He had recently came to Mullinhal, and was staying with two outcasted Chiroptrix, Kree & Doya. He snuck away from his resting place while his companions still slept, and went to puruse the nearby market for a new bow. He found several for sale from various merchants, but few to his quality of standard and none in his price range. Defeated, he flew to La fée to earn some money through games of chance.
  Meanwhile, Urlon found himself at a table in La fée. He had been staying there for around a month, and the establishment was tolerant of non humans. He had just finished grifting a drunkard for his pennies when Seech entered. Urlon attempted to gamble with Seech, offering 4 fleurs for his bone helmet. As the two rolled dice, Rin & her prisoner entered and found seats in a far corner. Seech & Urlon made some banter, and Urlon lost. Urlon was just about to rematch Seech when Henri entered, with 4 other Mendigot. Henri made a bee-line for Urlon, and began to extort him for protection money.
  Urlon made a commotion just as things got violent, and hastily offered Seech a job as his body guard. Seech accepted, and the two began a scuffle with the Mendigot. Rin joined in to assist the two, and her prisoner made for the exit. The trio made short work of the thugs and Henri promptly surrendered, any bravado he previously had now gone without his lackies. Urlon & Seech took what coins they could from the thugs while Rin called for backup guards. No guards came, and Rin restrained the four. She requested Seech & Urlon join her to the guard tower, enticing them with reward of bounty. The two agreed, Urlon paid the Innkeep for damages and the trio left.
Report Date
13 Jul 2022
Primary Location
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