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“He's always got one ear to the sky and one to the ground. Now if only he'd work on looking where he's going,”
— Hummel, Broken Murchant of Kabhat Roost



Seech was born On Sal, the First of Sepsip, under the full gaze of Juk to mated pair Saleek and Gintaa in the safety of Hakrat roost, north of Rak’Tor along the Briar Thorn River. His rearing years were spent within the roost with the small community of other families.   His father Saleek was a large Silverine who sought his fortunes in battle, often in the dark realms of the Graven Heaps and war-ridden Rak’Tor. It was during one of his many expeditions that he met Gintaa. She was a delicate Iverine from Leertek(insert mountain range south of Bluewoods) who would later become his bonded partner and was on a mission to collect rare ingredients for her graduation into Shamanhood ceremony.   However, like most Chiroptric parents to be, they laid down their current vocations and relocated to a brood roost, choosing Hakrat as their home for the next few years. There they picked up local trades, primarily fishing along the river and coastlines to provide for their growing family. His parents also birthed one sibling when he was nearing two. Another silverine boy they named Gritin. Seech loved and looked after his little brother. The two were never far apart, Gritin always in Seech’s shadow.   Seech was an Iverine dappled Silverine, slender like his mother with an inquisitive nature. His name in Cloud Song means, Curious Ear. The boundaries of Hakrats tunnels were always places of intrigue as Seech and his broodmates learned to fly. Although some lived many years here, happily building families, Seech quickly felt its confines stifling.   They stayed in Hakrat until Seech reached the age of 7. Both boys then returned with their father to his preferred roost, down in Kabhat. Their mother returned to her roost in Leertek, but made promises to come visit after she’d settled affairs with the Grey Maidens, the Shaman’s who trained her.   Seech loved the journey, his eyes opening to the wide world beyond the roost at last. The trip was only spoiled slightly by the complaints of Gritin, who whined in fear the whole way.   Once settled in Kabhat, their father left them in the roost's tender care to resume mercenary work. The boys saw very little of him. However, since Kabhat was a busy hub of trade, they were easily distracted. Seech especially liked hearing stories from Hummel the merchant about where different rare items came from. The more he heard, the more curious he got to see where these things came from first hand.   When he was 12, Seech’s curiosity got the better of him. He followed some traders out of the roost one night, hoping to hear more stories of their adventures. However, when he came upon their camp, he overheard them speak of the goods they managed to snatch from the roost without paying for. Outraged, Seech tried to sneak away to report them, but the traders heard and caught him.   With cruel laughter, they pinned his wings beneath their knees and tried to pour acid on his face to blind him. A scuffle and yell diverted the pour however, searing his face and maring his brow, but leaving his sight mostly intact. The left eye is slightly damaged, but he can still see through it. The pain knocked him out til the next day. He awoke in a grassy ditch a few yards away, stiff and sore as if he’d been trampled. However the pain was nothing compared to seeing the still form of his dead brother, who had been tossed in beside him, multiple wounds in his chest.   Kabhat roost was in an uproar about the attack. Descriptions were sent to neighboring roosts, Chiroptric outposts and other Montagne settlements. The traders have not made an appearance in those parts since, but there are standing orders to apprehend them upon sight. Seech doesn’t want to give them the chance of escaping. He wants to get revenge. However, Shaman Astrin, Tamer of Winds advised him to stay near the roost, until his father returned. She knew he was too young to look for them on his own.   Unfortunately, his father has yet to return. As much reassurance as can be given, as weeks turn into months, turn into years, Seech hears nothing of his father. He sends word to his mother, seeking her guidance and letting her know of the loss. No response.   By the time he is 15, Seech has taken up hunting to help provide pelts and meat for the roost to sell. He often wears a Farion Crow skull to hide his scars and as camouflage while hunting. Some think that he has moved on, let the wounds of the past heal over. The Shaman suspected otherwise and had forbidden him from going into the Graven heaps, fearing that if he went in search of his father that he too would be lost. Frustrated to be stalled by his own lack of strength, instead he fills his time looking in the surrounding areas of Montagne. He volunteers to sell his pelts in the neighboring towns, keeping a sharp ear out for his brother’s killers.   Then one day, while he is in a hunting nest, waiting for game to pass, he spots it. Whatever IT was, it was terrifying. Not like any animal he had ever seen before. The mere sight of it made him want to bold into the sky, but the foliage was too dense, he’d get caught in the branches and there was no way he was going to do something to catch that thing's attention. So he sat still and waited for it to leave.   When he finally get’s away, Seech goes to the nearest town, where he’d planned to go before the thing arrived, and tells the local authorities what he saw. However, due to his appearance and frantic story telling nature, they did not know if he was crazy, bewitched, or simply intoxicated. They try to shoo him away and when that doesn’t work, try to lead him to a place to “sleep it off”, but this only angers him. What if that thing hurts someone!?!! His outrage makes them laugh. Silly bat boy, there’s no such thing as that.   Knowing that his roost would on the light end not believe him, on the heavy end forbid him from hunting in the forests, Seech decided to get proof. But first, he’s gonna need a better bow.
Current Status
traveling to the city
Current Location
Date of Birth
1st of Sepsip, 2108
Current Residence
Right is is a dark grey, Left eye is bleached white
short, tousled, grey and white
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
silvery grey with white speckling, colloquially known as an Iverine dappled Silverine, scars from burns along face and left shoulder
115 lbs.
The Great Mother

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