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Merchant of Mullinhal

“They say it takes determination to get where I am. Personally, I think I just got lucky.”
— Nico


Nico emerged in 2090 on the plane of Malar. Most of he early life was spent in squallor, with both of his parents often resorting to theft to provide. At age 8, he was caught stealing charcoal to for food, and swiftly imprisoned. His fellow firelings pleaded for his release, but was denied. Ultimately Nico was sold into slavery as punishment for his crimes.
  Nico was soon purchased by Nagir, a Fire Giant from the city of Fra. Early on, Nico was used for menial labor, most of which was keeping fires lit within Nagir's home. As time went on, Nico began to prove himself more useful to Nagir, and eventually the giant would teach him the ways of metallurgy and purification of soft metals. Nico would spent the next 8 years under tutelage of the giant, and became a skilled smith of jewelry. In 2106, Nagir & Nico moved to Rolt, hoping to find new trade partners with the The Mussaran Trade League.
  Fra would prove to be a paradise compared to Rolt. The fire elementals in this land were treated poorly, and forced to work long hours. Nico felt betrayed by his master, whom he had thought of as a friend to his point. He was forced to work long hours mining for soft metals in the Montese mountains. If not for his heritage, he would have died of heatstroke many times over, as many of his fellow slaves did. He lived this life for 12 years.
  When Nico was 28, the discontent among the slaves had reached a fever pitch. On the 1st of En, a group of slaves with assistance from a few fire giant began a revolt. A pair of Fire Giants disabled the portal to Malar, while 41 slaves violently made their escape. Almost half of the slaves died in the conflict, but some made their way to the surface. More would die on the travel out of the mountains. Nico would ultimately be one of 6 slaves that escaped Rolt that day.
  Nico would wander the Montese Basin for weeks before finding civilization. He eventually stumbled his way into the township of Papāveire. He spent some time as a pauper before the townfolk found use for him. Realizing his talent for metal working, he was put work as an apprentice for the local smith, fixing farming tools and occassionally horseshoes. He would work as a smith for 2 years in Papāveire.
  In 2020, Nico was approached by Marie-Laure, a scout for the Les Voix. Marie had heard of Nico's ability to craft great works of metal, and offered him a job working for the guild. Nico signed on immediately, packed what few possessions he owned, and rode for Mullinhal with Marie. Initially Nico worked as a horseshoe maker for the nobles of Les Voix, but they soon found greater use for his talents in checking the quality of silver, specifically for counterfiet coinage.
  Over the next 5 years, Nico would go on to make a name for himself in Mullinhal as a reputed silver merchant. As of 2125 he is of middling standing within the Les Voix, but not without enemies. Nico was captured by several members of Mendigot. He was later saved by Rin, Seech & Urlon.

Physical Description

Facial Features

When Nico first has forced into slavery, his face was marked with an intricate burning tattoo that magically and visually marks him as a thrall of the fire giants. This tattoo was modified to mark him as a slave of Nagir, and later Rolt.

Mental characteristics


Nico is relatively well educated given his circumstances. He has formal training on how to properly work with copper, silver & gold. He also has limited experience working with iron, but no experience with any types of steel or rarer material.


Nico works under contract for the Le Voix. He pays monthly dues in exchange for networking and guild recognition. His career as a merchant has been but not limited to; working with Dunia Authority to check fluer mint, crafting a wide range of copper merchandise for the middle class of Mullinhal, running caravans from Mullinhal to Colline, and even working as a middleman for several jewelers in the Mullinhal Bazaar.
  His time with the Le Voix has not all been roses though. His early career is marred with various smuggling operations of a variety of contraband within the Duchy of Dunia. Nico is unaware if said smuggled goods were stolen, or worse, but he was smart enough not to ask.

Morality & Philosophy

Due to the dire circumstances of Nico's life, he often puts himself first in tense situations. He is not above helping others, but will shy away if risk is too great to himself or those he cares about. He believes he has a strong sense of right and wrong, but will bends these beliefs if it means great enough benefit to himself.
  Despite what shady activities his lifestyle may have him partake in, he will always find himself against any forms of slavery or indentured servitude, including races he may see as lesser.

Personality Characteristics


Nico wishes to obtain wealth, and never find himself in squalor ever again. His long term goal is to eventually become a financial advisor for a lord within Montagne. He is currently hoping to achieve this by engraciating himself to House Adnet.
He actively tries to gain invitation to banquets held by the Duke of Mullinhal, in hopes to network with various nobility there.


Contacts & Relations

Nico a merchant of moderate ranking in Mullinhal. He isn't the most respected or most prestigious, but many within the mercantile sectors know of him.

Religious Views

Nico holds no favor with any gods and is partial to none, but is still quite fearful of them.

Wealth & Financial state

Nico owns a small stone home within Brightford Borough. He also rents out a space in a local warehouse near his home.
Current Status
Current Location
Year of Birth
2090 TCC 35 Years old
142 lbs.
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Fire Giant, Montese

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