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The Butterfly

“Cover the body in pigment of his lordship, and our lord will let them be reborn in his image.”
— Volanti Priestess
  During a previous cycle, Volantes was a powerful god of insects. He was one of the last to sequester themselves away when the harvest came. It has been 2 cycles since he last reigned, and has lost much of his power. By current standards he is barely even a tier 2 god. He still has some control of insects, but only has true domain over the giant butterflies in the region. He currently has a single champion, a great butterfly that has lived for nearly 2,000 years. His followers solely comprise of Fjellmen in the Montagne mountains. Volantes has split himself into 6 shards, all places of power that his few followers defend fiercely.           Table of Contents

Table of Contents



The Time of Trials (4-1271)


The Second Era (1271-2042)


The Current Era (2042-Present)



  Major Divine Domains:

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