Joi District

For our peoples safety we remain in the shadows. I wish it weren't so but seeing as it is, the closest we can do somewhere that's ours. A home where we can be at peace with ourselves.
- Ata Nejem
  When first contact is made with humanity the Akalruh leader Ata sees the potential for his people to find a safe haven for themselves. After learning what he can about The Thesatri he decides to approach the diplomat stationed on earth, as their species has little traditions or taboos dealing with death Ata hoped they might react less dramatically to his species. He is rewarded when Felina offers his people asylum in her territories on Oni which house one of the largest cross species cities in the Alliance Diofye. Most of his people choose to migrate from earth to Oni and start their new lives in a district of the megacity created just for them. Not publicly of course but any non-akalruh would find the housing market in Joi District quite difficult.


Joi District is an area specifically for Akalruh and their families so it's largely Akalruh with a small unpredictable collection of various other species.


For the most part Joi district abides by the local government of Diofye only deferring to their leader on important maters.
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