Tevanisim; Disciples of the Source

In the beginning there was nothing. Within the nothing something else emerged. From where, we may never know, but it became the Source. The source of all things, all life, all will, all of creation stemmed from it. The Source initially let its creations free, choosing not to interfere in the paths they chose except when they reached out for guidance. Unfortunately they began to forget. As is the way with many mortal things. They forgot how to reach out for guidance, how to ask the Source for its wisdom and the balance of the universe began to tilt. So The Source sent a Guardian with it's Orator and Translator to lead the mortals it created in the pursuit of balance.

For a time the Guardian, Orator and Translator were successful bringing the universe back to The Source's original plans and maintaining balance. As children of the Source they had been blessed with immortal lives and abilities to tip the balance and had passed that on to their own children. Their success would be short lived. Some of the Source's creations were jealous of their new leaders and sought the Source's attention for themselves. In their jealousy they killed the Guardian and silenced the Orator. Leaving only the Translator disgraced and in hiding. The Translator exhausted and disheartened by the loss of his companions sought to leave the mortal plain so he taught another the language of the source. Before he faded away he tasked this disciple to bring back the Orator and once again commune with the Source for the good of all life. For the good of the universe.

Even if they thought they were better off without it.


The chain of command within Tevanisim is very ridged without appearing so at first glance. The lower in the pyramid you get the more it simply looks like an eclectic way of life with little direction.


Tevanisim presents itself as a non-religious way of life. Simply claiming a way to better yourself and the world around you. As such the first part of joining is as simple as attend a seminar at a local hosting center or purchasing any of the many self improvement books the group has sponsored. Those who are at this level are considered Potentials and will be actively pursued/encouraged to take the first 'step'.


There are six ranks of Disciples depending on how far along the path you've traveled, commonly called the 'Steps of Tevanisim'. Each step is another rank and each step requires a higher level of commitment and devotion to the ideals of Tevanisim. The details and commitments of these steps are sacred and not shared publicly or even within the group until your ready to take the next step. The majority of Tevadali are Disciples on the second or third step, only the more devoted move along the further steps.

    First Step: Apprentice

    Only the first step is publicly known and seems relatively harmless, putting aside your previous path and converting to Tevanisim completely. This means selling whatever worldly possessions you have that are excessive to living and moving to one of the many compounds that Tevanisim has established. Some of the bigger cities this step can simply be attending gatherings at a hosting center daily to substitute moving to a compound although its still strongly suggested that living on the compound is the true completion of the first step.

    Further Steps

    When a disciple moves up a step they commit further to the path and the betterment of the universe. The theme of further steps dives deeper into spreading Tevanisim and recovering the Orator in order to directly connect to the source and receive its orders.
    2: Devotee 3: Adept 4: Courier 5: Speaker 6: Emissary


When a Disciple completes all six steps they become a Herald, one of the elite Tevadali only outranked by the original three of whom only the Orator and the Translator are believed to still be in the mortal world.

The Reincarnated

The most devoted of Tevadali are believed to be reincarnated as children of the source, marked by their black eyes, long lives and unique powers to be used in guiding everyone to the path. One of the main goals of the higher steps is to obtain this level of devotion, some theorize that perhaps this state can be attained even without waiting for the next life.

    Akalruh and Tevanisim

    As the founder of modern Tevanisim Elias has carefully crafted the public persona to appeal first to humans and then to as many as he can once the earth joins the Alliance. At first he wanted to elevate himself and his species within the movement without revealing that they were an entirely different species. Instead introducing their traits as traits of the The Reincarnated a soul so devoted to the path that the source reincarnated them as its children.


Those who are not on the path are divided into two categories; Unconscious and Inhibitor these categories depend on if the person seems either ignorant or possibly receptive to the path or if they seem actively against the path. All outsiders are considered Unconscious until proven otherwise however once they are considered Inhibitors they are actively excluded from all communities and interaction with that person becomes prohibited. Often those who leave Tevanisim are considered Inhibitors, abandoning the path is considered the greatest move against the source's will.

Public Agenda

The betterment of humanity by striving towards self betterment, a self sustainable existence and the unity of man and nature. (before its discovered that humanity isn't alone in the universe)

The betterment of all life by striving towards self betterment, a self sustainable existence and the unity of man and the universe. (post discovering other life in the universe, a subtle change in wording but a big shift in mentality within the group.)

Religious, Cult
Tevadali (Practitioners of Tevanisim)
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories
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Articles under Tevanisim; Disciples of the Source


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