
Elias El-Amin (a.k.a. Habib Nejum)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Elias denounced his Brother and became obsessed with their species and their relationship to humanity instead. He doesn’t believe in keeping themselves secret but in taking their place as the voices of the Universe in mortal form. He believes that its their divine right to conduct humanity to a higher enlightenment. As humanity, technology and magic advance so do his goals in creating a master race to serve the Universe. His obsession mutates to creating a “perfect” vessel to receive the word of the Universe as the last vessel was a human shaman who succumbed to illness and passed away. He believes by combining her DNA with that of the Akalruh, his specifically, will create a new vessel for her spirit which he consumed when she died. The movement he creates around this ideal means more as a way to achieve this rather than any actual salvation for the people joining it. He doesn’t advertise this of course, until people are well immersed in his rhetoric. As such he competes with his Brothers over lost or misplaced Akalruh children hoping to build up his control over them. He believes all the Akalruh exist to service this mission and their abilities must be used as such. Despite this belief he’s not to wrapped up in it to realize others might not agree, and that most of the other Akalruh wouldn’t. They value their secrecy and safety too much. He also believes the newest generations of Akalruh are diluted from breeding with impure lines and seeks to reverse the damage by controlling further breeding. He seeks to bring the remaining ‘original’ Akalruh into his fold but knows none of them would willingly do so without their ‘father’. So he seeks a power strong enough to “convert” the others given their natural immunity to most telepathic influence.
His creation of Suha is the first real step in this vision as Suha’s power is emotional manipulation which can bypass their telepathic immunity when not used as outright manipulation and instead as an amplifier or filter. Thus cementing Suha’s belief is extremely important to him as an extremely important tool. Suha’s creation is the first advancement in creating the perfect vessel despite Suha not being quite right. His health issues are secondary to the power he develops and how close it seems to achieving the right vessel. His partner in the creation of the vessel doesn’t believe but she desires the pure knowledge that he promises her and the unrestrained access she wouldn’t get from a regulated lab so she works with him.

Gender Identity




Personality Characteristics


To serve the Universe which he believes is his divine right


Family Ties

Father: Abd   Brother: Ata

Religious Views

Founder of the Children of the Universe which believes that the universe is semi-aware and creates mortal 'tools' to implement its will and translate its word.

Social Aptitude

Extremely charismatic and persuasive



Follower (Vital)

Towards Elias




Leader (Trivial)

Towards Suha



Currently Held Titles
Year of Birth
748 1351 Years old
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations


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