The Nosoi Virus

Some consider it a curse, an incurable affliction. To us its just life.

Transmission & Vectors

The virus is transmitted via a mixture of saliva usually in the form of a bite and magic. Its incurable and unpreventable.


Within the first few days of a bite the infected will feel their connection to magic dissipate. Many find this extremely distressing. By the end of the first week heightened emotions may result in partial to full shifts. By the first month the infected will have experienced at least one shift and will be incapable of casting any magics. Depending on how well an individual adjusts they can retain all functionality and person-hood, however many who are bitten later in life simply can't adjust to the loss of magic and succumb to the baser natures of the infection. These individuals are considered 'feral' and there are no recorded instances of a feral victim recovering from that state. They are attracted to magic while also being driven into a violent rage by it.


There is no cure nor vaccination to prevent the transmission of this disease but there are communities of Selgino , who are people infected since birth and don't consider the virus an illness simply a way of life, that have facilities for newly infected to help them adjust and keep them from succumbing to a feral state.


Once bitten infection is inevitable. The course and speed of infection depends on how deep the bite and the individual. It always leads to the infected being unable to cast, plus the shift. The shift is a large bestial form potentially from the thestari's evolutionary past while the victim will eventually learn to control the shift the first few months for newly infected can be difficult. It is within those first few months that the infected is at most risk for going 'feral' a state which they likely will not recover from.


Transmission of this virus is almost exclusively through feral Selgino which are quite rare in modern times. The best course of prevention is abiding by any warnings of feral Selgino in the area and following the restrictions.


Since the virus is only passed through a bite it hasn't moved through any large populace in recent history. It's possible when the virus first came to be that it spread quickly but there are no accounts or evidence to validate any theories.


The very first transmitter of the virus is unknown. Its presumed to have been a spell gone wrong probably one of the transformative nature given the nature of the virus that mutated into the virus. The assumed first caster of this spell probably entered a feral state and infected many before they understood what was happening. This is also the presumed first creation of the Selgino communities.
The legends says that the gods cursed the Selgino for following a god who tried to steal another god's treasure. The Selgino version of the myth has their god stealing what was rightfully theirs.

Cultural Reception

Thesatri are a species that is deeply connected to the magic of their world, as such they have a deep inbred fear of the Selgino and the potential transmission of the virus. Even in modern times where feral Selgino are very rare they are feared and treated as 'lesser' than non-infected Thesatri. Selgino are ostracized from any main cities or settlements. Though slowly this stigma is fading, more so among the younger generations.
Among most Selgino communities they don't view their status as "infected" its simply how they are and they aren't ashamed of it.
Chronic, Acquired & Congenital
Affected Species


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