The Woe of Xochiyotli Military Conflict in The Court of Seasons | World Anvil

The Woe of Xochiyotli

And I would send another thousand reformists screeching into the pit it it meant that this empire would not simply lay down and die under the kind knives of the 'emperor'.   (He spits on the ground)   Let whatever you've sent to kill me come, for you are all far more dead than I.
-The final words of an unnamed ringleader of the Brotherhood of the Frog, given in the center of the fighting puts of Xoxhiyotli

An attempt by conservative individuals in the Union of Xotlac to cease popular reforms within their home nation by seizing the capital city and capture or kill the ruler of the time.   The plan quickly fell apart, and the majority of the ringleaders were killed in their attempt to capture Emperor Tlalch Yolihual. but the Brotherhood of the Frog who perpetuated the attack had enough members to effectively seize large parts of the city, which they held tenaciously though they no longer had any larger goal.   Some cells simply turned the blocks they captured into fortresses, while others took to 'punishing' those they felt had failed to do their part either in their own ranks or in the innocent civilian population. The brotherhood had to be forcefully kicked out with brutal house to house fighting, which only exacerbated the damages that the Brotherhood had caused.   Thankfully, the training of the army that had been brought forthe to combat the brotherhood minimized casualties once the fighting started. It was general knowledge, even at the time, that many Brotherhood members tore off their markings as the fighting got worse and hid themselves amongst the thankful civilian populace, many ecaping justice completely unless their face had become known.   Those that were found out were cast into the Red Gardens to meet judgement in performances that spoke highly of shared culture and natural history. They entered the arena unnanounced, a departure from how combats within the Red Gardens are traditionally introduced. The people would see them die, but they would have no name and no face to attach to the event, for the ceremonial helms the Brotherhood were forced to wear for their performance were sealed onto them, preventing recognition.    A few attempted to have their moment to state their manifesto, but were gutted for their troubles. The Quexochilatli take their roles in the performances very seriously, and do not appreciate those that try to break from script.
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
05/16/18 TSE
Ending Date
06/22/18 TSE
The exact count of the casualties suffered during the Woe is unknown, as when it occured there was little 'civil service' within the empire. Not to mention the true violence that was deployed by both sides as the conflict dragged on, resulting in the destruction of whole communities and limiting the amount of dead that were officially reported as so or missing.    This aspect of the Woe spawned a movement to update the governmental records of names and places of residence, so that people don't simply get lost in the numbers should tragedy strike.

Cover image: by Night Cafe Image Generation, User Provided Prompt


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