Brave Heart

The Arton Dwarves have a belief that when bravery or strength is needed one must consume the heart of a strong animal. There are two common preparations, the first being thinly sliced with a mix of sweet and spicy peppers. The second method is diced small, marinated and cooked in a hearty stew.   While the concept of consuming a heart as a delicacy or special meal is not uncommon, there are very specific things in Arton culture that it is used for. The first being the use during pregnancy, sometimes just shortly after conception and sometimes more frequently throught the pregnancy, but almost always at the pre birthing party.    Another is during the party of the coming of age ceremony specifically for those who are comming of age. This is done usually at a community wide event with large pots of heart stew for those reaching their 45th year. Depending on the community it is served heavily spiced or with chucky root vegetables.   The third most common event with heart is before a big battle or start of a war. Given usually as roasted strips shortly before seting out on a campaign or other event. These are often soaked in vinager and salt before grilling or smoking. On some cases a small amount is made into a jerky for each warrior to eat close to the time of a big battle. This acts a superstition or psycological reinforcement to fueling stong effort during the offensive.

Historical Basis

There a number of stories where the eating of heart before a difficult trial leads to improved performace. Most stories show several individuals with contrasting choices made and one properly eating a heart and succeding.


Some of the ideas of eating heart before battle have been taken up by other groups of warriors and has been popular. No group other than the Arton's use it for pregnancy however.

Cover image: by Markus Dehning (vertixico)


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