Hovering Butte

This sandstone and Floating Granite Butte is a mountain in the sky. It has been carved as a defensive town in the north of Limi-Xou. It was founded by refugees from the Volcanic Eruption of Arto Dez. The initial ruler was Huakun Jiamun the son-in-law of the famous hero Fenjia Zanfu. While only recently, he has abdicated to his daughter Suwen in an unconventional move. This was due to her young age of only 42 at the time of abdication.    For the first couple decades the town was carefully hidden so no-one but the inhabitants knew it's location. More recently as they cannot carve enough chambers out of the Butte to accommodate the increasing visitors and trade, a small city nestled between other peaks has sheltered with Hovering Butte acting as a watchtower and fortress town protecting it. This newer town is named Shadow Valley and has slowly begun providing many of the crop and livestock needs of the Butte.  
A strong order of holy knights has gained prominence in the town and encourages active participation instead of reserved isolation. They are known as the Flying Hammers, and they are known for their welding of hammer glaives.


Centered aroung 4 primary shafts, the stronhold is designed so people inside can forget that the entire structure is hovering above the world. With windows usually placed high up, narrow, vertical and deep. Allowing light and air, while allowing the exerior to still appear just as straiations in the stone.


The city is overflowing with 12 clan districts plus the three central working districts arrayed vertically through the structure. The lower most is the trading district which also houses the bottom military defenses. It also houses the sanitation works of the floating mountain. The central working district is the social district with restaurants, civic buildings and religeous temples. The upper district includes the forges, trades and schools. It also houses the waterworks and upper military defenses.
Alternative Name(s)
Arto Dald

Articles under Hovering Butte

Cover image: by Markus Dehning (vertixico)


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