Knights of the Flying Hammer

This organization of holy knights dedicated to Llyew operates out of the southern The Raikirian Desert. This knighthood is a recent development and a splinter group from the Knights of Gwayfen which is a larger group of Knights dedicated to Llyew.   Formed intially with the Arton Dwarves, it has spread to other groups within Limi-Xou, as well as other kingdoms bordering the The Raikirian Desert and northern Atirgo. This is especially becasue the have a great focus killing the undead, healing the sick and protecting graves. A well known base of operations is in Hovering Butte .   Their tactics and skills are based on using the right weapons at the right time. They use large repeating arbalest implements on their forts. Some magical in nature. Hand crossbows and encorceled blunderbuses are the weapons of choice for ranged attacks. Mid range they use glaives with heavy rounf balls known as glaive hammers. For melee they are known for hooked knives, reverse hook knives or hand axes.


The captains are organized under a Knight General who reports usually to a Priestly or Governmental body. Below him are the Knight Captains, followed by Knight Lietenants, the Sergeants and then the Knights and Veteran Knights.   Below Captains are also the Knights Hospitaliers who are a support group focused on healing and anti-undead tactics. Thes Hospitaliers are diveded into the ranks of Major, Specialist, First and second class Medics.


Atypical of Dwarves this group of knights routinely uses flying mounts and flying Hammerhead Skiffs. This privdes them great advantage over less well equiped forces in ariel combat.

Divine Origins

Splintered from the larger Llyewen Knights after the destruction of the Mystic Engines. It is predominantly active in the tropical regions of the eastern coast of Sulyub, with several enclaves.
Founding Date
Military, Knightly Order
Alternative Names
Lightning Hammers
Related Ethnicities

Articles under Knights of the Flying Hammer

Cover image: by Markus Dehning (vertixico)


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