Volcanic Eruption of Arto Dez

The Dwarves of Arto Dez were almost all killed when the Orcish warlock Krath the Iron Sword invoked his demonic patron to trigger a volcanic eruption in the fall of 7021 IR.   The war was started over control of the valley by Krath's tribe, whose religeous warriors demanded it as tribute to their god, the Molten Iron Strength. It is beleived a relic from The Molten Iron Strength's warriors has been a boon to the rulers of the Land of the Death Lords. How that relates to this volcanic event is unclear, but it does seem to be associated in story and song.


Initially the Mountain that housed Arto Dez, was known as Artoshan. It was an erroded volcano mountain on the edge of sandstone fields and pillars. Within it's shadow, a valley of juniper, fig trees and cactai with a river and  small lake. When the erruption occured it blew almost a third of the mountain side off, including all the upper halls. The women, children and elderly there were all instantly dead. The ones in the melee below the mountain survived largely by being further from the initial detonation and could escape out the tunnels.   After the ash cloud came the oozing lava. leading to the escape through a couple portals and side tunnels.    A second detonation started a pyroclastic flow into the local valley and chocking the lake and scalding the shrubbery from which most trees were leveled. The recovery has gone slowly and it often seen as the grave valley.


The unusual volcano is a part of a chain with the subcontinental plate that meets below The Raikirian Desert. While most of the chain is smaller and has a series of hot springs, this mountain was beleived to be fully dorment as it's hot spring had cooled in recent years.

Cover image: by Markus Dehning (vertixico)


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Aug 6, 2024 20:55 by Zero Sum Games

Did the Dwarves of Arto Dez ever recovered from this disaster? Now I need to know more! I will rad more from the Cradle of Worlds.