Sanitation Ooze

Oozes are an unusual class of creature. They are a mix of syphonophore like creature (small creatures that live in a colony that appears as a distinct creature) and echinoderms (amorphic creatures such as sea cucumbers). They contain the hallmarks of a manufactured creature and are affected significantly by magical auras and their diet. Created specifically for eating and metabolizing animal and plant waste, they do that job quite well. They were designed to be controlled by an @oo  
Designed to be managed, Oozes can turn foul with an unregulated diet and exposure to diseases. While most diseases will not affect a sanitation ooze, they can in some cases be carriers to these diseases. This is especially bad when an ooze has become foul in an ancient sewer system and for lack of food it explores outwards infecting persons with the diseases it has collected.
The Second Plauge has many stories of such outbursts and infections.

Basic Information


The internal anatomy is vauge in oozes, while it exists it moves around a lot and is hightly variable in length and sizes. Several categories of Sanitation Ooze exist based largely on the relative humidy and food mix. Low humidity sanitation oozes are known as hard shelled oozes as they prevent too much moisture from leaving. High humidity sanitation oozes are known as jelly oozes for their shimmering colored appearance.

Genetics and Reproduction

Oozes reproduce asexually when they get large enough to divide into seperate peices. As the "birthed" ooze is just a portion of the parents "member" creatures. Individual componant "members" of the ooze collective die and and digested to create new "members" all the time. Each member lives several years and reproduces by dividing. The collective ooze itself seems to have no specified lifespan, and some are rumoured to be thousands of years old.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

Oozes are not intelligent but can be manipulated by their like and dislike of certain energies, avaliability of foodstuffs, and mechanical coersion.

Articles under Sanitation Ooze

Cover image: by Markus Dehning (vertixico)


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