War of the Necromancer Skull-Lord

Skull-Lord Yukkur the Conquerer took advantage of The Plague of Silmora and it's confusion to consolodate much of what is now known as Limi-Xou. Yukkur was very capable of raising small armies of undead to bolster his Orcish armies. Raising the dead on the battlefield was also greatly effective at demoralizing the oponent to fight their fellow soldiers a minute after they died. This power was stronger at night and so Yukkur prefered to attack in the dark and sow confusion.

The Conflict


After the Order of Order went on it's campaign to isolate Gorel from the rest of the realms in 6982, the already fractured nations began to fight over the limited resources. The dissolusion of several large organizations left a gap in leadership. The Orcs found they were well positioned south of the The Raikirian Desert to begin expanding their influence.


The Skull Lord was so named becasue of his giant skull helmet, what most did not know is that it was the skull of a dryad giant. Using the skull he was able to teleport small groups of operatives using local vegetation. The deployment of ghoul squads behind enemy lines helped cause maximum psycological dammage to a population still recovering from the plague. Using both the teleporting skull and some teleportation circles the skull lord excelled at hit and run tactics at a large scale. His two generals the warlock Krath the Iron Sword, and the Barbarian Sorcerer half demon Irit the Red. They had conquered all of modern day Aetheric Steppes, Land of the Death Lords, Teraph and Limi-Xou. The War was going well until Krath precipitated the Volcanic Eruption of Arto Dez as the last stronghold within Limi-Xou. In the aftermath Krath died, and a dwarven strike force later that year succeded in assasinating the Skull Lord.
Start Date
Ending Date

Cover image: by Markus Dehning (vertixico)


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