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Black Dragon (Blak Dra-Gn)

Black Dragons, formidable denizens of both Ellismeda and Ous within the Crean Isles, loom slightly larger than the esteemed Gold Dragons, boasting scales as dark as night. Their wings shimmer with hues of dark blue and purple, creating a stark contrast against their obsidian hides, while their piercing red eyes exude an ominous aura. Renowned for their cunning intellect, Black Dragons employ devious tactics, ambushing unsuspecting prey or luring sentient beings into their lairs, where they consume their victims. Dwelling within cavernous domains in Ellismeda alongside Red Dragons, they also find solace in the expansive cave systems of Ous, capitalizing on larger territories. Armed with a potent breath weapon of toxic acid, notably stronger than the acidic emission of Green Dragons, they wield significant strength, often surpassing Gold Dragons in raw power. However, their supremacy can be challenged by the magical prowess of Faerie Dragons, despite their inherent strength. As sentient Greater Dragons, Black Dragons showcase a sophisticated understanding of their surroundings and exhibit strategic intelligence in their interactions with both allies and adversaries.

Basic Information


Black Dragons possess a formidable physique, slightly larger than their Gold Dragon counterparts, adorned with sleek black scales that gleam in the light. Their wings exhibit hues of dark blue and purple, contrasting vividly against their obsidian hide, while their eyes, glowing a menacing red, emanate an intimidating aura. Their robust bodies and powerful wings grant them impressive physical strength and aerial prowess.

Growth Rate & Stages

Black Dragons demonstrate steady growth, progressing from hatchlings to juveniles and then to subadults within a few decades. As they mature, their scales deepen to a jet black, and their wings acquire the dark blue and purple iridescence. They reach full adulthood and peak physical capabilities after roughly a century, displaying advanced intellect and strategic acumen.

Ecology and Habitats

Thriving in cavernous environments, Black Dragons favor habitats with ample caves and expansive cave systems, such as those found in Ellismeda and the caverns of Ous. Within these domains, they establish territories, often sharing spaces with other dragon species like Red Dragons. They interact with their habitats by safeguarding their lairs and manipulating surroundings to lure prey.

Dietary Needs and Habits

As apex predators, Black Dragons primarily prey on large creatures and sentient beings, employing ambush tactics or alluring prey into their lairs. They hunt with strategic intelligence, using their devastating toxic acid breath weapon to incapacitate or kill prey swiftly. These dragons store and protect surplus food sources within their lairs, ensuring sustenance.

Biological Cycle

Adapting to seasonal changes, Black Dragons exhibit varied activity levels across different seasons, displaying increased activity in warmer periods and relatively reduced movement in colder months. While not true hibernators, they might exhibit periods of rest during harsh weather. Shedding and regrowth of scales occur periodically, ensuring their protective armor remains intact.


Black Dragons exhibit cunning and intelligence, utilizing deceptive tactics to lure prey and outsmart adversaries. They demonstrate hierarchical behavior within their species, asserting dominance through displays of strength and strategy. Towards other dragons, they display territorial aggression, and while powerful, they understand the threat posed by magical creatures like Faerie Dragons.
Scientific Name
Obscuradracon potentia
400 - 600 Years
Average Height
25ft - 35ft
Geographic Distribution
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