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Incidea (In-Sid-Eea)

Incidea stands as the imposing capital of Anteos, a city sculpted in the formidable Inferno architectural style that commands attention with its formidable presence. Constructed predominantly from brimstone and blackstone, adorned with fiery accents in shades of orange, red, and black, the city embodies the fiery essence of its demon inhabitants. Incidea, ruled by the formidable Dreade, has witnessed notable conflict, notably during the Battle of Maniver, where it became a peripheral battleground, bearing witness to a brief yet crucial skirmish. Its historical significance lies in its strategic positioning at the heart of Anteos, serving as a crucible where the fiery might of its denizens is showcased, symbolizing the resilience and martial prowess of the demon nation throughout the ages.


This bustling metropolis is a melting pot of diverse demonic creatures that coexist within its fiery expanse. The demographic tapestry encompasses a varied populace, including Imps, Gogs, Hell Hounds, Demons, Pit Fiends, Efreeti, and Devils. The distribution across the city sees clusters of Hell Hounds in the outskirts, while Imps and Gogs dominate the inner precincts. Demons, Pit Fiends, and powerful Efreeti often reside in grand edifices at the city's core, showcasing a hierarchy of power and influence within the demon society.


Incidea's governance revolves around a hierarchical order, steeped in demonic traditions and laws that prioritize strength and dominance. The city is governed by Dreade, an enigmatic and commanding figure who presides over the city's laws and decrees. Taxation mainly revolves around the allocation of resources to the military, infrastructure development, and sustenance of the demon society. The infernal bureaucracy, overseen by Dreade and his council of high-ranking devils, ensures the city's day-to-day administration, enforcing laws that reinforce the city's prosperity and stability, albeit through a strict and sometimes oppressive regime.


Incidea's defenses are as formidable as the fiery spirits that inhabit it. Layered arrays of dark enchantments, reinforced by powerful demonic magic, form an impervious shield around the city. Looming walls, studded with ominous spires and fortified gates, guard against external threats, while hidden labyrinthine catacombs and underground passages serve as covert escape routes. Strategic watchtowers manned by Hell Hounds and sentinels equipped with infernal armaments reinforce the city's vigilance, ensuring the safety of its inhabitants amidst the volatile chaos that characterizes demon society.

Industry & Trade

Incidea thrives on a fiery tapestry of industry and trade, its inhabitants engaged in a maelstrom of infernal craftsmanship and demonic commerce. The denizens primarily partake in the crafting of dark artifacts, enchanted weaponry, and sinister magical relics sought after across the demonic realms. Crucible forges and workshops fueled by the volcanic heat churn out these malevolent creations, contributing significantly to the city's economic might. Imports often include rare ores, exotic essences, and captives for arcane rituals, while exports predominantly consist of infernal armaments, enchanted artifacts, and twisted magical paraphernalia that cater to a clientele spread across the demonic territories.


The entrepreneurial spirit in Incidea thrives amidst the flames, manifesting in a blend of dark, imposing architecture and infernal craftsmanship. Towering citadels forged from brimstone and blackstone line the cityscape, adorned with eerie fiery embellishments and demonic insignia. Intricate networks of cavernous structures, fiery forges, and soul-smithing workshops form the economic backbone, crafting potent armaments, magical artifacts, and dark enchantments sought across the demon realm. Additionally, arenas for infernal gladiatorial combat serve as both entertainment and showcases of martial prowess.


Incidea's origins trace back to the ambitious vision of Dreade, who, alongside powerful devils and demons, summoned the city into existence amidst the molten fury of volcanic terrain. This monumental effort was rooted in their desire to forge a grand capital that would epitomize the strength and supremacy of the demon nation. The city gradually evolved into a bastion of demonic power, shaped by Dreade's will and the infernal mastery of its architects. Its tumultuous history is marred by relentless power struggles, demonic conflicts, and the insatiable pursuit of dominance, each chapter etching its tale in the fiery annals of the demon realm.

Points of interest

The Brimstone Clouds, vast and foreboding, drift menacingly above the city of Incidea, forming a haunting canopy of ash and brimstone that cloaks the skies in perpetual gloom. These ominous clouds serve a dual purpose, functioning both as a natural defense and an unyielding deterrent against unwanted intrusion. Infused with toxic properties that render them lethal to any non-infernal being, these swirling masses of noxious vapors act as a formidable barrier, repelling would-be invaders and thwarting any attempts at breaching the city's fiery domain. Such an impenetrable shield has solidified Incidea's reputation as an impregnable stronghold, ensuring its isolation and safeguarding its infernal occupants from external threats.   The Deity of Fire, a spectral entity bearing a chilling semblance to a devil, stands as a cryptic monument within Incidea. Revered and feared by the city's denizens, this colossal apparition harbors an enigmatic power that, when invoked by the demons and devils dwelling within the city's confines, unleashes a cataclysmic event. Activating this eerie manifestation spawns legions of impish hordes, dark creatures born from the fiery depths, which surge forth across the Crean Isles. These infernal minions, infused with malevolent intent, serve as a chaotic force bolstering Incidea's defenses or, in moments of aggression, surging forth to assail adversaries and sow havoc across the lands.   The Infernal Ring, a mesmerizing construct nestled within the heart of Incidea's main keep, is a visible testament to the city's formidable power and dark magics. Enveloped in an unending ring of searing flames that dance with infernal fervor, this fiery enclave amplifies and refines the innate infernal abilities of all residents within its confines. The intense energies harnessed within this fiery locus magnify the potency of fire magic, empowering and augmenting the capabilities of those who dwell in its proximity. This enhancement ensures that the residents of Incidea wield formidable fire-based spells and abilities, cementing their dominance over the elemental forces they command.   The Forsaken Palace, a foreboding bastion within Incidea, stands as the imposing seat of power and residence for Dreade, the ruling demon lord, and his entourage of devils. This grandiose structure, shrouded in enigma and draped in sinister allure, serves as the epicenter of the city's governance and dark machinations that shape the destiny of the demon realm. Its labyrinthine corridors house the ruling elite and are whispered to conceal forbidden knowledge and arcane secrets. As the focal point of demonic authority, the Forsaken Palace exudes an aura of command, an emblem of dread and dominion that looms over the city, intimidating and captivating in equal measure.


Incidea stands as a testament to infernal craftsmanship, adorned in the formidable Inferno architectural style that mirrors the dark soul of its inhabitants. Constructed primarily from brimstone and blackstone, structures rise in imposing grandeur, accented by menacing fiery hues of orange, red, and black. Towers spiral into the ashen sky, sinister citadels boast twisted spires, and darkened fortifications blend seamlessly with the volcanic terrain. Adornments here are dark and foreboding, often reflecting the fiery essence of its demonic occupants, evoking a sense of awe and intimidation in those who dare to tread its fiery streets.


Nestled amidst a volatile landscape, Incidea sits upon the volcanic terrain of the Crean Isles, a fiery expanse of molten rock and smoldering crags. The city is enveloped by a tumultuous environment, characterized by volcanic eruptions, cascading rivers of lava, and sporadic geothermal vents that punctuate the landscape. The city's architecture melds seamlessly with this hazardous terrain, incorporating the molten essence of the volcanic landscape into its foundations and leveraging the searing heat for its industrial prowess, while perpetually navigating the perilous dance with the elemental forces that surround it.
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