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Dreade (Dreed)

The Archdevil (a.k.a. The Infernal Lord)

Dreade, a towering figure exuding an aura of infernal power, bore the unmistakable marks of his devilish heritage—a formidable stature adorned with large, menacing horns protruding from his head, fiery red skin reminiscent of molten lava, and fierce, piercing orange eyes radiating with raw intensity. As the enigmatic second ruler of Anteos, following the cryptic origins of its founding, Dreade's ascent to power was shrouded in mystery. Born an archdevil, he ascended as King upon reaching maturity, assuming an innate authority over the fiery realm. Dreade's legacy was marked by a series of formidable feats, including his alliance with Abraxas, establishing dominance over Maniver, and his pivotal role within the Crimson Knights post-Abraxas' betrayal. His triumphs extended to quelling insurrections within Maniver, defeating rebels like Gigrarath, and contributing significantly to pivotal victories during the Frostfire War, including the demise of Xergan and Exmos. As the ruler of Anteos, Dreade wielded immense power and stood as a formidable ally within the complex landscape of the Crean Isles.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Dreade's mastery of fire elemental magic epitomized his strength. Harnessing the searing forces of nature, he wielded flames with breathtaking ferocity and precision. His command over fire endowed him with devastating power, capable of engulfing adversaries in torrents of inferno, making him a formidable force in battles, instilling awe and fear in equal measure.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Dreade's origins were shrouded in the mists of Anteos' ancient past, where he emerged as the second enigmatic ruler of the fiery realm, succeeding an elusive founder. His ascent to power was swift, born an archdevil and immediately ascending to the throne upon maturity. During the Dark War, he solidified his dominion over Anteos and aligned with Abraxas, forging a formidable alliance that bolstered his realm's influence. He redirected his allegiance, joining forces with the Crimson Knights in their quest to eradicate Abraxas' malevolence from the Crean Isles.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Dreade's legacy in Anteos' history was marked by monumental achievements. Emerging as its second ruler, he swiftly ascended to power and orchestrated a strategic alliance with Abraxas during the Dark War, consolidating control over Maniver and fortifying Anteos' influence. Post-war, his alignment with the Crimson Knights and pivotal role in quelling internal dissent within Maniver showcased his leadership and martial prowess, leading to crucial victories in the Frostfire War. These triumphs solidified his realm's standing and affirmed his role as a stalwart defender of Anteos' sovereignty amidst the tumultuous conflicts that shaped the Crean Isles.

Morality & Philosophy

Dreade's moral stance was a complex interplay between loyalty to Anteos and the pragmatic choices necessitated by the tumultuous Dark War. His commitment to preserving Anteos' sovereignty and security remained steadfast, the cornerstone of his actions. However, the shifting allegiances during the war painted a morally grey picture. Though aligned with Abraxas initially, his subsequent allegiance to the Crimson Knights signified a deep resolve to rectify past errors and shield the Isles from looming threats. Dreade's moral compass, though veiled by the complexities of war and loyalty, ultimately inclined towards safeguarding his realm's interests, even if the means to achieve it varied.

Personality Characteristics


At the core of Dreade's motivations lay an unwavering dedication to protect Anteos at all costs. His loyalty to his realm compelled him to make difficult choices, including alliances that blurred ethical lines. Yet, his subsequent alignment with the Crimson Knights following Abraxas' betrayal underscored a deep-seated desire to rectify past mistakes and secure the safety of the Crean Isles. His motivation to eradicate Abraxas stemmed not just from vengeance but also from the imperative to ensure the Isles' future safety and stability.

Virtues & Personality perks

Dreade's strengths were manifold, embedded in his exceptional leadership and unwavering determination. His ability to instill fear and respect in his subjects spoke volumes about his charisma and authority. His unyielding resolve to protect Anteos reflected in his strategic acumen, rallying forces, and forging formidable alliances to bolster his realm's might.

Vices & Personality flaws

Despite his imposing demeanor, Dreade harbored vulnerabilities. His innate trust of others, evidenced by his prior entanglement with Abraxas, lingered as a critical weakness. This susceptibility to manipulation and betrayal was a chink in his armor, exposing him to the machinations of malevolent forces seeking to exploit his wavering trust. This flaw, while contrasting with his unwavering loyalty to Anteos, cast shadows on his otherwise resolute character.
Current Location
Year of Birth
134 B.D.W. 156 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Was born as an Archdevil
Incidea, Anteos
Glowing Orange
Short Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
"I admire you so much, young Albion. Even though I am eons older than you, you have taught me a lesson no one else truly could. You taught me to strive away from my evil, demonic nature and pursue mercy and kindness. I thank you for that" - Dreade to Albion before the Battle of Antaria.   "I can't believe that some of my kind would rebel against us just for a bit of power. Gigrarath is betraying the whole demon race by signing that pact with Abraxas. He will pay for that" - Dreade talks about Gigrarath's rebellion.   "Betrayal, the venom that seeps through loyalty, the treachery that brands the hearts of comrades! Abraxas, you thought to cage the tempest, to chain the unchained, but know this: you have awoken a force you cannot contain. My rage knows no bounds, my fury, an inferno that shall engulf your deceit. I stand betrayed, yet in my betrayal, I find strength. Your downfall, Abraxas, shall be etched in the annals of my vengeance!" - Dreade to his troops after fleeing Maniver following Abraxas betrayal.
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Founded Settlements
Ruled Locations

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