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Red Dragon (Red Dra-Gn)

Red Dragons, prevalent inhabitants of both Ellismeda and Ous within the Crean Isles, hold a dominant presence alongside the Green Dragons. Slightly larger than their green-hued counterparts, these dragons command respect with their fiery breath weapon, a standard but effective flame deterrent against potential threats. Despite their lack of sentience as Lesser Dragons, they demonstrate territorial behavior and maintain lairs in caverns across Ellismeda, where they hoard substantial treasure stockpiles. Notably, some Red Dragons have migrated to Ous due to its expansive cave systems, allowing them to amass larger troves of riches within the depths of these cavernous domains.

Basic Information


Red Dragons possess robust, muscular frames adorned with crimson scales that offer both protection and resilience against heat. Their wingspan allows for powerful aerial maneuvers while their sharp claws and formidable jaws aid in hunting and defense. Their bodies, larger than some dragon species, showcase a distinctive crimson hue, blending with the fiery environments they prefer.

Growth Rate & Stages

Rapid growth characterizes Red Dragons, progressing from hatchlings to juveniles and then to subadults within a few decades. As they mature, their flames intensify, and their scales grow denser, enhancing their protective armor. Full adulthood is typically achieved after about a century, marking the peak of their physical and elemental prowess.

Ecology and Habitats

Preferring volcanic or fiery habitats, Red Dragons seek territories abundant with caverns and caves, ideal for nesting and safeguarding their troves of amassed treasures. They contribute to their environment by fiercely guarding their domains, using their fiery breath as a deterrent against intruders, and meticulously protecting their hoarded riches.

Dietary Needs and Habits

As carnivorous predators, Red Dragons prey on large creatures like deer, boars, and occasionally other dragon species. They employ ambush tactics during hunts, utilizing their fiery breath to incapacitate prey. These dragons meticulously store surplus food within their lairs, ensuring sustenance during leaner times.

Biological Cycle

Red Dragons adapt to seasonal changes, exhibiting heightened activity during warmer periods and relatively reduced movement during colder seasons. While not true hibernators, they might become less active in colder months, conserving energy. Shedding and regrowth of scales occur periodically, ensuring their protective armor remains formidable.


Red Dragons display territorial behaviors, fiercely defending their domains and accumulated treasures from perceived threats. Exhibiting dominance through intimidating displays, they command respect among their kind. To predators, they present a formidable challenge, relying on their fiery breath as a potent defense mechanism. Despite their predatory nature, they demonstrate strategic hunting prowess and resourcefulness in protecting their lairs.
Scientific Name
Rubridracon ignis
400 - 600 Years
Average Height
20ft - 25ft
Geographic Distribution
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