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Unthil (Un-Thil)

The Ruler of New Arium (a.k.a. The Earth Mage)

Unthil, a striking figure cloaked in a red hooded attire adorned with a gemstone headband, stood as a beacon of resistance against tyranny in the Crean Isles. As a potent elemental mage, his prowess echoed through the forests of Caena. His notable achievements included pivotal roles in the liberation of Mossden and the formation of New Arium, culminating in the defeat of formidable adversaries like Aragus and his instrumental efforts in Albion's liberation. Ruling over New Arium, Unthil embodied the spirit of rebellion against Nentryl's oppressive regime, initiating a valiant uprising following Elcan's ascent to power, fiercely advocating for freedom and autonomy in the face of subjugation.

Physical Description

Special abilities

His mastery over earth elemental magic was the cornerstone of his prowess. Unthil's connection with the earth granted him an unparalleled command over its forces. His ability to manipulate and channel the raw energies of the land allowed him to shape the battlefield and counter adversaries with seismic prowess, showcasing the immense power at his command.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Unthil, a revered figure amidst Caena's tranquil forests, was known for his mastery over earth elemental magic. Prior to the Dark War, he lived a life steeped in reverence for the delicate balance within nature, honing his skills in elemental magic. As the conflict unfolded, witnessing the encroaching shadow of Elcan's tyranny and Abraxas' malevolent dominance, Unthil felt a profound obligation to protect the sanctity of the land. His transition from a secluded elemental mage to a resilient leader and revolutionary was marked by the dire need to confront oppressive forces threatening Caena's serenity. Despite his valiant efforts during the War, Unthil met his demise, leaving behind a legacy of bravery and unwavering commitment to the cause of liberation.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Unthil's saga in the Dark War resonated with pivotal moments that shaped the struggle against tyranny. His leadership in liberating Mossden, pivotal efforts in rallying against Elcan's oppression, and commanding victories against adversaries underscored his pivotal role in the battle for Caena's freedom. Each achievement stood as a testament to his unwavering commitment to liberate his homeland from the shackles of oppression, even though his life was tragically cut short during the conflict.

Morality & Philosophy

Unthil's ethical compass was firmly aligned with the principles of justice and liberation. His resolute determination to resist Elcan's oppressive rule and thwart Abraxas' malevolent influence echoed his unwavering moral stance. His actions were driven by an unyielding dedication to safeguard the integrity of Caena, a testament to his noble character and unwavering resolve against tyranny.

Personality Characteristics


Unthil's motivations stemmed from an unwavering desire to defy Elcan's tyrannical rule and vanquish the oppressive forces epitomized by Abraxas' malevolent influence. His pursuit was not merely a quest for personal gain but a deeply ingrained commitment to restoring freedom, justice, and harmony to Caena. His relentless drive to emancipate his homeland from the clutches of necromantic tyranny fueled his every action, igniting a fiery determination within him.

Virtues & Personality perks

His strength lay not only in his mastery of earth elemental magic but also in his charisma and wisdom. Unthil's ability to inspire and lead, coupled with his innate understanding of the land's intricate balance, made him a revered figure, drawing followers and allies alike to his cause.

Vices & Personality flaws

However, while formidable in the realms of magic and strategy, Unthil's physical prowess was less pronounced. His reliance on magical finesse and strategic acumen sometimes left him vulnerable in direct confrontations, emphasizing his preference for diplomatic resolutions and tactical engagements over brute force.
33 B.D.W. 6 A.D.W. 39 years old
Circumstances of Death
Was killed by Aragus during the Two Sieges of Starstrike
Place of Death
Starstrike, New Arium
Short Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Milord, I don't think you understand the seriousness of this situation. You are blaming innocent people for the creation of a horrid monster, when it is not true" - Unthil to Elliott about blaming the Pretonians for the creation of Abraxas.   "I am so proud of you, young one. I know you miss me, but I am afraid that you cannot just bring back a human being from the dead without major consequences. However, I will always be watching you from here, cheering for you" - Unthil speaks to Albion from the heavens before the Battle of Antaria.
Aligned Organization
Founded Settlements

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