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Elliott (El-Eeot)

King of Arium (a.k.a. The Ill-Fated Sovereign)

Elliott, adorned with a regal presence, bore the weight of leadership with a distinguished air. His physique, marked by flowing brown locks and a towering crown, reflected his status as the adopted son of Naxion, the former ruler of Arium. Elevated to the throne after Naxion's demise, Elliott's reign was beset by tumultuous challenges. As the prince of Arium alongside his adoptive father, he faced the perilous aftermath of Abraxas' summoning, a pivotal event that plunged the Crean Isles into chaos. Struggling to maintain peace, Elliott made an ill-fated decision to unjustly lay blame upon Anfal and the Pretonians for the summoning, inciting conflict that culminated in an invasion of Preton. However, his campaign met an unexpected defeat at the hands of Anfal, compelling Elliott to resort to employing Elcant in a bid to eliminate his adversaries. Tragically, his reign ended in his demise, succumbing to the wrath of the corrupted Elcan.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Elliott's prowess lay in wielding combat magic, a skill that bolstered his leadership on the battlefield. His proficiency in channeling magical energies enhanced his combat capabilities, granting him an edge in confrontations during times of strife.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Before the Dark War, Elliott's origins were shrouded in mystery, found as a lone child in the enigmatic Plane of Magic, where Naxion discovered and took him under his wing. Elliott grew up as the adopted son of Naxion, groomed to eventually ascend to the throne of Arium. During the Dark War, Elliott's leadership was tested as he inherited the mantle of kingship following Naxion's demise. His reign was marked by both promise and adversity, with his decisions shaping the fate of Arium. Unfortunately, his rule was cut short tragically during the tumultuous conflict.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Elliott's ascent to the throne marked a significant achievement, inheriting the responsibility of leading Arium amidst the chaos of the Dark War. However, his achievements were marred by the consequences of impulsive decisions that inadvertently fueled conflict within the Isles. His attempts to maintain peace, albeit misguided, underscored his intentions, though they often led to dire consequences.

Morality & Philosophy

Elliott's moral compass, clouded by the weight of leadership, oscillated between intentions of maintaining peace and resorting to questionable actions under duress. His sense of justice was overshadowed by moments of hasty judgment, leading to unjust accusations and conflict escalation. Despite his intentions to preserve peace, Elliott's methods were often compromised by his impulsive decisions.

Personality Characteristics


His motivations were multifaceted, driven by the desire to rule Arium effectively after Naxion's passing, preserving stability within the realm. However, amidst the chaos of the Dark War, his motivations became clouded by the pressing need to place blame and seek retribution, leading him to make decisions driven by vengeance and a desire to eliminate perceived threats.

Virtues & Personality perks

Elliott's strength lay in his natural leadership and a commanding presence that inspired loyalty among his subjects. His charisma and ability to influence others enabled him to wield authority effectively, rallying support and instilling confidence in Arium's populace.

Vices & Personality flaws

His impulsive nature in times of turmoil proved to be a significant weakness. Elliott's tendency to act hastily and make rash decisions, especially when faced with escalating conflicts, often exacerbated tensions, leading to unintended and dire consequences for his kingdom and himself.
27 B.D.W. 4 A.D.W. 31 years old
Circumstances of Death
Was killed by Elcan during the Battle of Heavengate.
Place of Death
Heavengate, Arium
Long Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Come in, Elcant. You are a gifted merchant, but also a gifted combatant. I will reward you greatly if you complete this task for me. You will kill that horrid Abraxas, but also those measly Valtarians. Kill Anfal and Balor as well" - Elliott giving Elcant his first task to kill Anfal and Balor.   "I am speaking to you from the heavens. I may not have been the best man alive back in my time, but I not here to apologize for my actions now. I encourage you to defeat that evil beast once and for all" - Elliott speaks to Albion from the heavens before the Battle of Antaria.
Aligned Organization
Founded Settlements
Ruled Locations

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