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Two Sieges of Starstrike

Military: Battle


In the aftermath of the Assault of the Hero, the rebellion, guided by Unthil and Albion, established New Arium from the spirit of defiance against Nentryl. As the nascent nation took form, Aragus, intent on proving his loyalty to Abraxas, besieged the city of Starstrike. Caught off guard, Unthil faced Aragus in a tragic clash, leading to the druid's fall and the city's capture. Albion, driven by vengeance, rallied his forces to reclaim Starstrike. The second siege witnessed Albion's fierce pursuit of retribution, culminating in a relentless battle against Aragus. Despite the odds, Albion emerged triumphant, liberating Starstrike and avenging Unthil's demise. The rebellion mourned Unthil's sacrifice and discovered a promising lead—the scattered pieces of the Angelic Alliance, a potential game-changer in their ongoing struggle against the encroaching darkness. The Two Sieges of Starstrike epitomized a pivotal moment in the rebellion's narrative against the forces seeking dominion over the embattled Crean Isles.

In the tumultuous aftermath of the Assault of the Hero, the rebel forces, under the leadership of Unthil and Albion, sought to solidify their cause and gain recognition from other nations. Establishing a new country forged from the rebellion's spirit, they named it New Arium, a homage to the fallen empire led by Naxion. The city of Starstrike was declared the capital of this nascent nation.   The first siege unfolded as Aragus, stung by a scolding from Abraxas and determined to prove his allegiance, launched a relentless assault on Starstrike. Unthil, occupied with national matters, and Albion, rallying forces in another town, were caught off guard by Aragus's sudden aggression.   Aragus, fueled by newfound determination, confronted Unthil in a clash of powerful magical forces. Unprepared for the intensity of Aragus's attack, Starstrike succumbed to the dark forces. In a tragic turn, Unthil fell at the hands of Aragus, sealing the fate of the druid who had been a guiding force for the rebellion.   News of Unthil's demise reached Albion, stoking the fires of his fury. Vowing to avenge Unthil, Albion gathered his supporters and set his sights on reclaiming Starstrike. The second siege began as Albion's forces launched a resolute assault on the occupied capital.   Albion, driven by grief and a thirst for revenge, plowed through Aragus's forces with unwavering determination. The confrontation between Albion and Aragus was fierce, with both showcasing formidable magical prowess. Despite Aragus's power, Albion's relentless pursuit of vengeance proved overwhelming.   In the final showdown, Albion emerged victorious, defeating Aragus and liberating Starstrike from the clutches of darkness. Aragus, seeing no avenue for reclamation, fled once again, leaving behind a city scarred by the battles that had unfolded.   In the aftermath of these tumultuous events, the rebellion gathered to hold a solemn memorial for Unthil, honoring the fallen druid's sacrifice. Albion, in his grief, discovered a map that would lead him to the scattered pieces of the Angelic Alliance, a powerful artifact that could potentially turn the tide in the battles to come.   The Two Sieges of Starstrike concluded the "Birth of the Rebellion" chapter, marking a poignant moment in the ongoing struggle against the dark forces that sought dominion over the Crean Isles.

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