Abellio Geographic Location in The Crossroad Realms | World Anvil


The northeast province of Arcadia is also the nearest and most accessible to Arcadia's trading partners, and thus is the busier of its two remaining provinces. It shares its ruler-straight northern border with Mt. Celestia, and its similarly straight coastline looks out on the Misty Sea .


Abellio is a perfectly square block of countryside. From above, it looks like a checkerboard of farms and villages, divided in places by ruler-straight steams of clear water. From the largest townships, Mandible and Melodia, an airship dock rises into the sky.   Just north of its southern border, which it shares with its sister-province Buxenus, the Cloud King has his citadel atop a smooth, conical mountain. Centred on the border, Orb of Night and Day hovers just above a taller mount, with the Rain and Wind Kings' citadel-mountains to the west and east of it.   Abellio's coastline runs in a straight line from north to south, and both the official territory and the Realm Magic of Arcadia extend roughly five miles into the Misty Sea. Abellio's sea-port protrudes from halfway down its coastline.     Prior to the loss of Nemausus, Abellio was mostly flat farmland punctuated by lakes, rivers, and scattered forests. The Realm's new equilibrium shifted its central mountains, however, and now Abellio has foothills and the Citadel of the Wind King on its southwest border.

Fauna & Flora

Bordering as it does on Mt. Celestia, Abellio has a higher population of celestial creatures than Buxenus. Many ranch-herds were also moved up after the loss of Nemausus, leading to a higher population of domestic creatures, as well.

Natural Resources

Abellio's plentiful grasslands greatly benefit its farming and ranching industries. The people benefit from large flocks of sheep, goats, cows, and horses, as well as the agricultural output. The Harmonium ensures that sufficient land is left fallow to support wild animal populations, as well.


Abellio is the preferred province for visitors, with Buxenus' increased military activity making it difficult to travel and Abellio citizens being more accustomed to foreigners. Locations overlooking the Misty Sea, which is quite sunning at sunset, or walking-distance from Mt. Celestia are the most popular.   The Dwarven deity Clangeddin Silverbeard has his divine domain here in Mt. Clangeddin. Many visitors come to visit his forge, undertaking long pilgrimages from all over the Realms.
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Owning Organization

Cover image: The Magic Brush by Zsolt Kosa