Atomie Species in The Crossroad Realms | World Anvil


Atomie are among the smallest of fey creatures at a maximum of seven inches high. They are further distinguished from other small fey by their green colour, which helps camouflage them in their sylvan habitat.

Basic Information


Small, at an average of 5 inches and a recorded maximum of 7, and exceedingly slender. Atomies weigh next to nothing, which makes it easy for their four long and transparent wings to carry them in flight.   They have skin, rather than fur or feathers, which is green. The shade ranges from a yellower shade like a green apple, to deeper tones like conifer boughs in the shade.   They lack antennae, but their long ears, which extend past the edges of their heads, quite make up for any sensory deficit. Their feet are longer than a human's would be, more similar in shape to a rabbit's. This, in combination with their low weight and wings, affords them considerable speed.

Growth Rate & Stages

Atomies are born only an inch or two long, with multiples being exceedingly rare. They mature rapidly, reaching full size in only one year, and having a fully-developed adult form in two years.

Ecology and Habitats

Native to the Feywild, Atomies are found most commonly in temperate fey forests. They make their homes, usually, inside hardwood trees, weaving patios in the boughs and carving rooms into the trunks. They often cohabitate with Grigs, cooperating to make the most of their mutually-required resources.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Atomies are herbivores, gaining most of their necessary protein from nuts and mushrooms. Honey carries little nutritional benefit for them, but is a favourite treat nontheless.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Most common in the Feywild, Atomies are also observed near Fey Crossings, especially in woodland areas such as Arborea, the Beastlands, Ysgard, and forested areas of Primus and Terra.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Like many fey, Atomies can pass between the Feywild and the Material Realms at will. They can also pass through plants of all kind without leaving a trace, and turn themselves invisible.   Also similar to their fey kin, Atomies can communicate freely with nearly any creature, including beasts and others not considered possessing language. Their ability to call beast and insect friends may be a result of their friendly relationships with these creatures, but the distance and reliability of this ability leads many scholars to consider it magical.   Lastly, Atomies heal faster than humans. While they cannot regrow lost limbs, their wounds close and their illnesses pass up to twice as fast as similar maladies in humans.

Civilization and Culture

Culture and Cultural Heritage

In addition to other cultural groupings, most commonly Sprite culture, Atomies typically share a connection to Damh, the archfey patron of their species.
Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities

Cover image: The Magic Brush by Zsolt Kosa