Feywild Geographic Location in The Crossroad Realms | World Anvil


The positive echo of the multiverse, the Feywild is a saturated, wild-hearted reflection of all other realms.   A Realm of Wonderland laws, the Fey is shaped more by the mercurial whims and melodrama of its denizens than any natural phenomena. The good mood of Titania might create a new garden around her, while the despair of the Ice Prince keeps his palace in a gloom of perpetual ice and darkness.   All fey creatures hail from this reflection, though some flit between Faerie and the other realms.


In theory, the Feywild covers the entire world; a vibrant echo of ordinary existence. However, crossings are much more common in the chaotic and positive ends of the cosmic axes.   Realm borders seem to retain the same positions relative to each other. Beyond this, however, the landscape of the Feywild is inconstant.   Being an Echo realm, most landmarks in the Material Realms are echoed in the Fey. However, the twisting and stretching of distance and time make navigating by these echoes nearly impossible.   Fey echoes also tend to be more vibrant, more dramatic, and more fantastical by several orders of magnitude. Similarly, echoes of the Outer Realms, which already embody their own extremes, are still amplified. For instance, a fey echo of one of Arborea's treetop homes might be an opulent castle formed entirely of flowers with living-jewel petals that glitter and shift in a never-ending and dazzling display.   Whether the echo of a place falls under the dominion of the Seelie or Unseelie Court also affects its form. A realm more heavily influenced by the Summer Queen and her followers tends to be amplified in terms of its vivacity and energy.   On the other hand, domains claimed by the Queen of Air and Darkness embody melancholy, expressing the unseelie sense of beauty in entropy and despair.   In fact, the mercurial moods of local Archfey seem to shape the landscape more than anything else. It is the Ice Prince's despair which causes she unending cold and dark around his citadel, for instance.


The Fey have animals, plants, villages and all the same trappings as the Material Realms, but obey none of the same natural laws except those of interest or convenience to the local Archfey.   It's connection to the Material is a source of more direct causal relationships. Logging in a Material forest might cause an upset to Sprites in its fey echo.   The Material never reechoes the Fey directly, but may still experience the moods of local Archfey through the temperaments and behaviors of its subjects.   For example, a material garden which benefited from the care of local Sprites might begin to wither if those sprites were occupied with appeasing some trouble in the Feywild.

Ecosystem Cycles

Seasons in the Material Realms are often echoed in the Fey, perhaps because the shifts between seasons are of such interest to the Fey Courts.   The Seelie Court is more active in the Material Realms during the beginning 9f Spring and Summer, and the Unseelie Court similarly so as Fall and Winter begin. Some scholars wonder if this increased activity is reactive or causal.

Localized Phenomena

Time is distorted on the Fey plane. Visitors (or kidnapees) to the feywild may spend only a few days or hours, while weeks or even years pass on their home Realm. This distortion is inconsistent, and difficult to measure. Like most things on the realms, it likely depends on the moods of the Archfey.


Weather is perhaps the clearest indicator of the nearby Arvhfey. Angry Archfey have been known to go about followed by literal storm clouds, for instance.   These powerful fey bend weather to their interests, as well. A vain Archfey might prevent clouds from shading their glimmering palace, or a playful Archfey might change the weather to manifest their desire for a snowball fight in mid-summer.

Fauna & Flora

The flora and fauna observed in the Fey often mimics that of the Realms, but more intensely vibrant and magical. However, various species appear to be indigenous to this dimension.   All manner of Fey creature, sapient and otherwise, come from the Feywild, such as the Feystag and the Yeth Hound, as well as various species of plant.


Due to the time distortion, visiting the feywild is a risky endeavour. Additionally, the Fey operates according to bizarre and changeable rules. A simple action such as picking a flower or treading a stone could, in accordance with the Fey law of the moment, could land a visitor trapped, imprisoned, married, transformed, transported, or any number of fates inhibiting their ability to return home.

Articles under Feywild

Cover image: Feywild Liason by Tim Shepherd