Fey Crossing Physical / Metaphysical Law in The Crossroad Realms | World Anvil

Fey Crossing

Commonly known as a "Faerie Circle," the eponymous mushroom rings are only one of many ways that portals between the Feywild and the The Material Realms may form.


Fey crossings are discernable only on the Material side, as once passed through, the crossing blends seamlessly with the regular environments of the Feywild. Their appearance and feel depend on the Fey locale that they are linked to.   A common form of crossing is the Faerie Circle, a ring of wildflowers or mushrooms. Such crossings rarely work only from stepping inside; after all, passage into the realm is a favour, and as lawfully chaotic creatures, the fey demand a toll. A saucer of fresh cream, honey, cake, or edible flowers are the usual fare, but far from the only options.   Crossings into Unseelie territory, created by unseelie forces, may demand a higher fee, such as the surrender of a precious memory or relationship, or another sacrifice that would sow destruction or sweet despair. This dark nature shapes its form, as well. Unseelie portals may be found in deep caves carpeted by strange mushrooms, in the centre of a briar thicket fed from the blood of trapped beasts, or set in the melancholic beauty of an ancient ruin.   Other crossings into Seelie territories usually appear in places that are exceptionally verdant and vivacious. They are unlikely to appear in a controlled environment such as a well-kept garden though, as fey crossings require a bit of chaos to work (this being the main reason they never appear in Mechanus, and are thus found almost exclusively in wilderness locations.


Fey Crossings never appear in Mechanus, as the absolute law of its realm magic precludes them. However, the fey echo still overlaps with mechanus, and is most commonly occupied by fey making mockeries of the drones' robotic behaviour.
Metaphysical, Supernatural