Magic in the Realms in The Crossroad Realms | World Anvil

Magic in the Realms

The Weave is a lot like the Force. It's a poorly-understood type of energy that pervades all things in the universe. Through focus, study, or instinct, some creatures can manipulate this energy to produce various effects.   The 'how' and science of magic is left intentionally vague in order to facilitate as many player ideas as possible.

Types of Magic

  Magical energies are generally discussed as being like a tapestry that overlays the whole world; spellcasters change the pictures by pulling and retying its threads. Magic as an entity is often called The Weave. There are three main ways of interacting with the Weave.  


Through careful study, even a creature with no innate connection to the Weave can learn to touch it. Spells crafted through this means of interaction are called Arcane spells, and arcane casters have the most direct control over their spells' results.   Arcane Magic is the best-understood, and yet its enigmatic nature persists. The Weave, even its many Arcane threads, resists strict codification.   When revealed by spells, Arcane magic effects register in Purple.


Divine magic is a connection facilitated by a god or godlike being. Its specific nature depends on the creature who grants it, as does the kinds of effects which can be created through this connection. Lathander will not allow the creation of undead through his power, for example.   The control and strength that a divine caster can leverage seems dependant on their relationship with the source of their power. For instance, divine casters who were suffering a crisis of faith have reported a weakening in their divine magic.   When revealed by spells, Divine magic registers as Golden, though some deities cause their magic to register as other colours.


Primal magic users sometimes refer to magic's pervasive presence as "the Breath" rather than the Weave, and they gain their connection to the Weave through a close spiritual connection with the natural world.This connection along with the name has led to a stereotype of barbarism among primal casters. However, Primal spells and their casters are just as varied as Arcane or Divine ones.   In academic models and when revealed by spells, Primal magic registers in Green.  

Realm Magic

Many Realms are shaped by localized magical phenomena which pervade large areas, shaping life and magic within those areas. These effects are referred to as Realm Magic. Realm Magic is difficult to control in the same way that continents are difficult to lift.   Realm Magic is an anomaly, as it is unquestionably magical, but does not usually interface with the Weave. Instead, it seems to exist as part of the physical fabrics of the world, rather than an overlay of energy. Primal casters, being more connected to the physical existence in their casting style, can sometimes interface with Realm Magic, but manipulating something touched by a Realm Effect is different from normal casting, much in the same way that writing a script is different than holding a conversation.   The Realm Magic of Limbo, for instance, precludes all order and predictability. Yet skilled mages can take advantage of the realm's inherent absurdity to create controlled zones where, in defiance of logic, logic reigns.   No known spell can make Realm Magic visible, though some casters can sense its presence. Whether the Realms themselves have consciousness and wills that shape the magic in this way, or if Realm Magics are simply smaller, localized Weaves is open to debate.   In academic models, Realm magic is usually represented by an abbreviation of the Realm name in whatever colour ink the scholar happens to be using.

Arcane Traditions

Spell schools, also called arcane traditions, are a construct invented by arcane scholars to describe the reasons and preferences of a mage. They are not formal institutions, and very few mages practice only one tradition.   A mage's tradition informs why they use magic, and this in turn informs what kind of magical effects they focus on. No spell "belongs" to any school, but some schools use a given spell more often than others.


Abjurers focus on control over magic itself. They use magic to harmlessly shut down or redirect magic around them, as well as creating protective effects.
  • Redirection
  • Negation
  • Disruption


Though the specific title varies by region, these casters stand out for their proficiency in pulling matter from the Weave. Some focus on transporting, others borrow from Transmutation, coalescing the Weave itself into physical states. Matter created/called in this way is typically impermanent.
  • Summoning allies
  • Creating/calling elemental energy
  • Manifesting objects


Diviners see magic as a means to knowledge. They use magic to discern information about the world, and are often employed as advisors, scouts, and spies.
  • Prediction
  • Investigation
  • Detection


Enchanters are interested in altering the intangible. Most famously, Enchanters can use the weave to affect the magical essence of an item or creature.
  • Domination
  • Cognitive manipulation
  • Imbuing with magic


Transmuters focus on material alteration of the world around them. They use the Weave to move and change physical objects and creatures. They overlap greatly with Enchanters, but focus more on the tangible world.
  • Altering material
  • Animating
  • Coalescing elements


Necromancers specialize in manipulating the magicality of life and death. Due to negative connotations of the official name, Necromancers who focus on healing and restorative magic may prefer to be known as Vitamancers.
  • Healing
  • Unlife
  • Resurrection


Illusionists use magic to create mirages and phantasms that confuse the senses. Common in entertainment, illusionists can affect the perceptions of all senses, and even disguise magical auras.
  • Optical illusions
  • Aural illusions
  • Tactile illusions

Cover image: The Magic Brush by Zsolt Kosa