Ocanthus Geographic Location in The Crossroad Realms | World Anvil


A province of Acheron, Ocanthus' landforms are not cubes, but flat, glasslike shards. Like the cubes, these spheres are constantly in motion, though their speed is much greater. Some are large enough to generate their own gravity.   This region is the birthplace of Bladelings.


The atmosphere around Ocanthus is bitterly cold, and the movement of the shards creates cutting winds. The shards themselves are glasslike, and incredibly sharp on their edges. Far below this storm of shards is an ocean of endless black ice.

Ecosystem Cycles

Similar to the cubes, the shards occasionally crash into each other, creating new shards. Smaller shards are drawn into the gravity of larger ones until they collide and shatter again in an endless dance.
Asteroid belt
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Included Locations

Articles under Ocanthus

Cover image: The Magic Brush by Zsolt Kosa