Acheron Geographic Location in The Crossroad Realms | World Anvil

Acheron (Ak-ur-on)

Acheron is a realm caught between lawful neutrality and lawful evil. It is a clamorous realm of high-velocity, cube-shaped landforms which smash into and off of each other infinitely. Their surfaces are pitted with craters from these collisions, as well as rusting and broken weapons from the ongoing battles waged from cube to cube.   Goblins and Orcs first appeared on Acheron, though both species have proliferated to many other realms since that time.


Acheron is an infinite void in which several cube-shaped landforms of various materia orbit and crash against one another.


Most of the blocks in Acheron are stone landforms that do not support life. There are, in the present age, four relatively self-contained clusters of blocks that share more distinct ecologies. See the "Contained Articles" list at the bottom of this page for information on these domains.   The blocks as a whole often transfer their materials through their impacts. While most impacts transfer nothing, or only a small amount of material, there have been cases where large transfers of minerals settled on a foreign block, as well as slow impacts where significant fauna populations migrated.

Ecosystem Cycles

Over time, the crashing of the blocks wears them away. As such, there is always debris floating between the blocks. Eventually, the gravity of these pieces draws them together, forming new blocks. Some believe that there will come a day when enough of the landforms have been broken to dust that they can no longer generate enough gravity to reform, and that this will be how Acheron ends.  

Localized Phenomena

The gravity of each landform is normal to each face of the block. Thus, no climbing or jumping is needed to move from one face of a block to another. Persons leaping between landforms need only to escape the gravity of their origin in order for the gravity of their destination to pull them the rest of the way.

Natural Resources

Mining operations on the blocks are risky, as all but shallow mining methods can compromise the stability of the blocks. Rather, this plane's most valuable utility are the many portals to other realms which appear on its landforms, most significantly in @


Few come to Acheron only for a visit. The realm, where it is inhabitable at all, is constantly at war. The impacts of the blocks make it difficult for plant or animal life to survive on the surfaces, and several blocks are little more than wastelands or junkyards.
Color Pool:
Tuning Fork:
Alternative Name(s)
The Infinite Battlefield of Acheron
Asteroid belt
Location under
Included Locations
Included Organizations
Owning Organization

Wheel Placement

The Great Wheel
Cartography/Cosmography by Obsidian Reach, with backgrounds edited by me.

Articles under Acheron