River Styx Geographic Location in The Crossroad Realms | World Anvil

River Styx


The River Styx flows through all the Lower Realms, with its headwaters in Pandemonium and its mouth in Acheron. However, this is a simplification, as the River frequently travels between realms by portal, and its flow does not follow the gravitational or other physical laws of ordinary rivers.

Localized Phenomena

The River Styx is absolutely lethal, and has unique natural properties, including:  
  • Creatures who contact the river even briefly are wiped of their memory and sense of self.
  • Memories lost to the Styx are not limited to the creature who touches it; they are also wiped from minds and objects across the multiverse
  • Creatures who contact the river suffer a disability of mental faculty similar to the effects of the Feeblemind spell.
  • Creatures age approximately 100 years for each minute of contact with the river.
Inhabiting Species


  Pandemonium   Abyss   Hades   Gehenna   Baator   Acheron

Cover image: The Magic Brush by Zsolt Kosa