Baator Geographic Location in The Crossroad Realms | World Anvil


The Nine Hells of Baator are divided into nine infinite circles, accessible only by portal. Although Baator definitely occupies space in the Crossroad Realms, one cannot enter it normally. The borders of this realm form wormholes to the opposing neighbours, so that one steps directly from Gehenna's mountains into the icy seas below Acheron, having travelled a great distance in a single step.   To actually land in Baator, one must either sail the deadly River Styx or succeed in creating a portal.


Within the Realm, each infernal layer has its own laws of physics and matter, but all are inhospitable to outsiders. Most are hot and riddled with flame, though Minauros and Malbolge are more humid and oily than fiery, and Stygia and Cania are both characterized by icy cold instead.

Localized Phenomena

The folded location of the Realm within the Great Wheel is cause for much interest and frustration by the Cartographers' Guild. Baator cannot be entered normally. Instead, when one steps toward Baator from the border of its neighbours, one would land in the realm opposite Baator, with the stars and all other tools of navigation indicating that you had travelled a long distance.   This is said to be a construction of Asmodeus, to prevent the Abyssal Hordes from overrunning the infernal armies.


Originally an ordinary Realm whose former nature was lost to time, Asmodeus and his then-celestial legions made their base camp here. As their Blood War against the Abyssal Hordes raged, their time in the Abyss transformed these armies into devils, and the land around their headquarters began to transform, as well.   As the war went on, the Infernal legions expanded downward, creating subsequent hells until they found equilibrium at nine. Expansion and the creation of new layers only accelerated with the ratification of the Pact Primeval.

Wheel Placement

The Great Wheel
Cartography/Cosmography by Obsidian Reach, with backgrounds edited by me.

Articles under Baator

Cover image: Baator by Perdillon