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Revitalize The Port

Long ago, the drow outpost Kyorlamshin (now Skullport) was an economic powerhouse controlled by House Tanor'thal and other slaver Drow houses from the drow city of Karsoluthiyl, located beneath the Trackless Sea. Much profit and power were gained from the trade of slaves and luxury goods between Menzoberranzan and the surface world.   The sea cave entrance to The River Sargauth was vital to The Underdark economy. Large ships could sail upriver and utilize a large crane and the docks of Kyloramshin. Lifting the ships above sea level so that they continue to sail upriver allowed safe travel between the surface and The Underdark. That crane has been destroyed and needs major repairs for the restoration of the port. Skullport's dock district has languished as a result.   Travel for Bregan D’aerthe's own vessles sailing from Luskan is extremely hazardous. Passengers and cargo must be offloaded onto longboats and rowed through the cave entrance. Jarlaxle Baenre has expressed a desire to see the dock crane repaired. Nymdor Oblodra has firsthand experience with the dangerous methods used to travel to Skullport thanks to his years sailing among the pirates of Luskan.   Investments in the dock's repair and the removal of the undesirable influence of The Xanathar Thieve's Guild would serve as a source of hope for the Drow refugees from Ched Nasad who dream of a new home.


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