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Expedition to Skullport



After a brief respite in Waterdeep, Jaraxle sends the Psions of House Oblodra down to Skullport with Rizzeryl to act as a guide from House Auvryndar's temple base to the formerly Drow-controlled city.

On the return trip to the surface, the Psions of House Oblodra notice signs of improvement and occupation of the Dungeon and Arcane levels. A dwarven brewery has been restored to working order and will soon be supplying Troll Skull Manor with ale, wine and liquor.   After a brief respite, Jarlaxle sends the Psions to investigate the mind flayer activity in Skullport and interfere with their plans if possible.   The leader of Bregan D'aerthe reminds the Psions that The Black Tankard is currently controlled by the Xanathar Guild, having forced Chasz out of business and running him from town.   Jarlaxle warns the Psions to avoid the fortress on Skull Island as the forces amassed there are far too great for their expeditionary force to handle alone. After the briefing, the men return to Undermountain.   Rizzeryl, The Zhent contact working with House Auvryndar, has agreed to provide transportation to Skullport from the House Auvryndar Outpost on Level 3. The Psions travel downriver via raft with their guide.   A short distance downriver, the men encounter a black gondola ferried by a black-robed tiefling skeleton. It plies the River Sargauth for passengers in exchange for gold coins. The men had their own rafts and didn't require its services, so they moved on.   On the river's shores they spot the doorway to a dwarven structure. Previously the men had ignored several Melairkyn Dwarven ruins despite the potential treasure inside. This time the Psions stop to investigate and search for loot.   Inside the Stonecarver's Hall, Slies calms the emotions of an unusually large Xorn. Using Detect Magic, the men spread out and discover The Throne of the Coronal hidden inside a fake cube of rock. They store the magical throne into their bag of holding.   Across the river from the Stonecarver's Hall, a Cocoon Forest proves too dreadful for the men to willingly explore. They pass by without even slowing down.   The two rafts of drow sail past the ghosts of three human pirates searching the river's bank for their lost treasure. Uninterested, they continued downriver and pass through a chokepoint controlled by House Auvryndar.   With the help of their guide, the Psions reach the bay surrounding Skull Island. They avoid the fortress, they beach their rafts on the shore near Skullport.   Secrets Discovered

  • Jarlaxle was preparing for a disaster in Menzoberranzan, but hinted that he controlled when it would happen. The mind flayer problem has interrupted the timeline for his plans.

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